How is it disrespectful? Unless you equate Muslim terrorist as being the same as a regular Muslim. And really when we get down to it that is the problem because I'm sure as shit you don't equate the disrespectful actions of the westburo church as a representative of all Christian churches.
The constitution allows for burning of the US flag also, it's still concidered disrespectfull....that's the point of burning the flag in the first palce. It doesn't win points and causes anger instead of understanding. And as I stated earlier, how can you tell a fanatical muslim from a peacefull one. Now if the imam was actively denouncing and fighting against terrorism of all kinds, then he's prooving himself to not be of the radical element. I'd have no problem and enough trust. Has he done more than spout a few words? I'm not saying he's a terrorist, but he hasn't done much to say he's not. talking doesn't count taken the gravity of the situation. The term "religeous war" is a contradiction to principals of all major religeons, it hasn't stopped millions from being executed in the name of faith. "It is a fundamental contradiction in terms."
Since this thread has lost all hope. 1.) All non-Americans need to exit this thread or else! 2.) The Black community is relaxing a little because it's the Muslims turn to be dragged through da shit.
He's been on fox and I believe he even wrote a book, what more does the guy need to do? There are already two churches by ground zero, what's wrong with a 3rd? And really two blocks is not even close to ground zero. From the community center can you see ground zero? No. From ground zero can you see the community center? No. So again how exactly is it disrespectful? How far away from ground zero does it need to be before it's not considered disrespectful?
Just what the illegal immigrants want to hear! Building a House of Worship/Outreach Center (similar to the YMCA, a CHRISTIAN institution {Don't tell the Village People!}), two blocks away from GZ in Manhattan = not disrespectful. In fact, New Yorkers knew about this months ago, and didn't raise a fuss. It's only the outsiders who have raised a ruckus over this. It's these folks who equate Muslims with Terrorists, who are being disrespectful. Talk of the Nation talked a bit about this.
It's a building... who gives a fuck. If we find wrong-doing?.... They have their own "Ground Zero" and we'll build a monument near that.
It's a dividing factor in a country that doesn't need any more division right now. Who gives a fuck? The stakes aren't that high. This was also a ground zero: There are those that will not have any problem doing that to NYC. After all we did it to Japan. This guy writes a book, is seen on TV. To me, that doesn't bring about trust. Is he inciting Islam to turn over the ringleaders of terror organizations? After all, it isn't westburough baptists hiding OBL or his croneis, it's not the methodists arming the Taliban. Sure, they can build a church anywhere they like. But to steadfastly build in the face of such a percent of outrage make me wonder what the motive truely is. That's all I've been saying. I don't trust the religeon any more than I do any organized religeon. Big organizations have alterior motives or underhanded tactics and backroom deals/secrets most of the time. Who made anything anyone's written a black-n-white thing in this and other threads? There seems to be a pervasive "with-us-or-against-us" thing happening here lately.
Should every white person have to apologize on national television and write books about how sorry we is about slavery? Why should this guy have to apologize for every terrorist who happens to be Muslim? This Imam has been on 3 federally funded trips to promote religious tolerance. Maybe he's secretly just funneling the money we give him and thanking all the terrorists while he's over there! OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD
It'd be a very good idea if you planned to build a white owned structure in a poor black neighborhood. :-k besides, who said anything about apologizing The word was "denounce" and "anti-fanatic activism"? There hasn't even been a disclosure as to a member of congress's inquiry as to the sources of the funding. A lot of foriegn cash that nobody knows where it came from. Look at the numbers:
for the people saying "cordoba is a symbol of muslims dominating": Effectively the same as saying:
Time will tell, it's already been decided whether or not it's going to be built. the consequenses of which have been calculated and responses formulated. I'm not anti-mid east/west patching up the rift that exsists. I just don't trust the situation and refuse to blindly trust anything that is built on words. I really don't believe that unification is what this is all about. Justify your beliefs all you wish to. Time will tell. 30 years from now you can tell the 20 somethings how well it turned out and they'll tell you how wrong you are. It's your house, build it however you wish. :-k
Yah, it's usually a safe bet when Newt says something, the opposite is true (and take that, Dutchies!)