What're you thinking is going to happen? 9/11 2.0? I know a lot of people are pissed about it, I didn't realize there was any theory beyond "its a muslim victory symbol"
As I said, time will tell. You want to trust them or anyone else, be my guest. I was stating that in 30 years, you'll be able to see if anything has change for better or worse. For myself only, trust has to be earned by everyone I encounter. Some lessons are harder to live with long term.
I'm sitting in my hotel room in the back ass province of Binh Dinh in Vietnam and there is a green sticker on the ceiling telling me the direction of Mecca. Vietnam is on the state departments' bad boy list of countries that deny religious freedom. Doesn't add anything to this discussion just a semi-drunken observation.
Hey Krod, great to hear from you. My only question is: did you get drunk enough to actually pray towards Mecca? And did the toilet conveniently face the same direction?
Seems like old times. [video=youtube;EwaNRWMN-F4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwaNRWMN-F4&feature=topvideos[/video]
disclaimer: I'm late to the party on this topic, and haven't read it all. Also, I'm not american. If presented in a certain way I think building this mosque could really show the strength of the country. Having a big brouhaha over kiboshing the project only seems to prove to people that islam is a threat and that america wants to keep the muslims down. Whereas if the project were embraced in the right way, by the right people, it could show america to be the bigger man. It's all in how you present the project... market it. Just throwning that out there. edit: also, it need not be a sign of forgiveness. Because it's not islam america is fighting... or shouldn't be.