I can live with 1200' much better than 600'. The constitution doesn't mean we have to stop having feelings. It also wasn't intended to be extended to other countries. That would be pushing our values onto someone that may not want them. Kinda what this whole mess is spawned from in the first place. What Tac is saying, and I agree, is that the words do not match the actions. Actions are what are going to change people and bring about understanding not empty words. the world knows that in USA, people will settle for hearing what they want to hear as oposed to the truth. Why should we put any value on hollow word from an outsider when we have all we need right here already? i'd welcome anyone and any ideology they subscribe to join this nation and be more than willing to extend the constitutional rights we enjoy..................if they weren't in a declared war with it. How can one tell if a person is part of the wing that is in jihad or a pasive muslim subscribing to the claim that islam is a peace loving faith? Denounciation and activism prooving that denounciation would be a good step towards that end. I don't see it happening yet. I only heard a few words, and not many at that. Until actions take place, i'm choosing to view this as a trojan horse.
Now we are getting down to schematics. You say you are fine with 1200' vs 600'? Are you hearing yourself? Please explain how 600' makes a world of difference. Take a step back and understand that we have laws so we can not willy nilly say, man, my feelings will be hurt if someone does such and such thing. There are no real quantifiable reasons why this can't be built even right next door to ground zero let alone two blocks away. Uh, who said anything about other countries? New York is in the United States of America. Just so we are all clear, you hate all Muslims and all Mosques in the United States. Oh but you will like them once they AGAIN denounce terrorism. I hate all forms of religion with a passion but what is happening right now is just not right. I specificlly love this country because it isn't like the backwards ass countries like Saudi Arabia. No one should have their freedoms taken away because a group of racist and prejudice idiots see something as a nonexistent threat.
This thread has become somewhat comical. A good portion of people on here say they think organized religion is ridiculous. These same people stand up for Muslims almost as much as they denounce Christianity. Which is it? You're against religion all together or, you just want to get rid of a certain religion? Isn't that what you're claiming some of us are doing by not wanting a Mosque built near Ground Zero? Hypocrites.
Hypocrite huh? How this for hypocrisy: When it is most convenient for you and most other politicians and talking heads you bring up the fact that your freedoms are being trampled on and the government is making mince meat of the constitution. But in this case where the constitution is shoved under the table, everyone is just fine and dandy. I can only speak for myself but so you are clear, I do not like religion, meaning ALL religion, even Islam. But that does not mean I am going to stand in someones way in practicing their religion and building a house of warship wherever they want. We are standing up for freedom, not for Muslims, but for everyone. I suggest you do the same since you call yourself American.
Gerrymandering is used to redistrict. Before 1994, the Democrats had enjoyed a majority in Congress for 40 years. And wiskas: How many times do Muslims need to denounce jihad (which means struggle, not holy war) before you'll believe that they aren't all secretly ok with al Qaeda?
I know. I was just joking. Gosh! I'm not a hypocrite. I don't care if Christians, Jews, Muslims, or Scientologists build temples. I care when either one of them try to shove their religion down people's throats through legislation.
I guess when the amount of denouncements outnumbers the attacks. That seems fair. Ali.....what's unconstitutional about citizens NOT wanting a Mosque to be built near Ground Zero? The Governor and The President have said they want it. Citizens pissed about something doesn't = Unconstitutional. Where are some of you getting this from?
You pretty much nailed it with that statement. That part is the hardest part for alot of people. Some(probably alot more) are incapable of separating there emotional feelings and there logical way of thinking. I hate all religion but i also am a fair person. By all right they can build the Mosque there. Whether they are doing it to gloat or to really want to spread the word of peace, is pointless. Because feelings and motives are irrelevant. They are within there rights to build that. I think Obama said it very well...
Your post is disgusting and you should be ashamed. Seriously...... what's true is even though you're trying to make your point....it's in bad taste to even share that pic. I'm against the Mosque being built obviously but that crude pic doesn't express my viewpoint. You're demonizing a view with ridiculousness because you disagree. Don't you have a pic of someone being beheaded or jumping out of one of the towers? That would be really low brow but, what do you care? Please don't trivialize the death of almost 3,000 people to make your point. Show them some respect.
They have the right to build there. Our opinions whether its in good taste are a seperate matter. If we are going to be true to the principles we stand by than there is no justifiable way to stop them from building it. Likewise, it is perfectly acceptable and encouraged for it to be (peacefully) protested, and hopefully those who are trying to put it there will be wise and recognize the sensitivity of the issue and choose to avoid the negative reaction that will hurt public opinion.
LMAO jackalope, did you make that?! thats great man. i just want everyone involved in any religion to stfu and go back to Agartha, take your wars, crimes, and ludicrous false entity worshipping elsewhere.. Oh and quit using the word evil and satan to justify someones wrongdoings. People need to take responsibility for what they do in this limited lifespan of being a human, dont put blame on something thats not even proven to exist. FUCK OFF ASSHOLES!!! except coleman, youre a cool dude.
Good points made by both sides of this debate. [video=youtube;89sodnhctSk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89sodnhctSk&NR=1[/video]
Even if I don't like what they say, I will defend with my life, their freedom to say it! People just need to power down and spend their emotion on something meaningful instead.
I've been trying to avoid this thread as much as possible just so I don't get my panties in a bunch, but I can't help it now. Say what you want about Olbermann (he is an idiot a lot of the time), but he sums this up perfectly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpT2Muxoo0&playnext=1&videos=6vGJA4TS0sk
One thing that is really really annoying is all the people opposed to this saying this is being built at ground zero. How many fucking Americans (lets face it, some are super dumb) think they want to build this at the site of the twin towers and not 2 blocks away? I guess Jackalope already answered this with that picture
More like this shit is a simple case of disrespect. That is most of what people are reacting to. Some don't mind being disrespected, others get homicidal, most that react to disrespect are in between leaning more to the side of outrage.