Wikileaks Next Release is 7x Bigger Than Iraq War Logs

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Torx, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    That is what I meant about "high school shit".
    My main stance is the fact that any site like that is a threat to governments and we're seeing how easily that threat is dealt with.
    Is this the internet we want? No censoring unless it makes the wrong person look bad? When are we going to have to zieg hiel to get online?
    Then there's a movement to install a killswitch on top of that. Printed media and now e'media is a threat to dictators and tyrants. Are we willing to give
    up anything towards freedom of speech or press or right to bear arms? Current events and trends tell me that we are ,in fact, there is a concerted effort to get the people to beg the powers to take those rights from us. The psychology behind it isn't even very complicted. It all reminds me of the ad campaigns on national TV before the truth in advertising act back in the late 60's. What ever happened to that set of laws anyhow?
  2. MSP

    MSP Haunting a dead forum...

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    Well, Assange has been arrested in London! Faster than I expected... :anal:
  3. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    Yeah, he was in contact and negotiations with Scottland Yard yesterday. The poison pill is out there with fingers on the trigger. I wonder what's in that one. This is all just a big game of chess.

    read some of the leaks. Most info is previously known or known by assumption and/or inference. No secrets there. We're being played bigtime.