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Intel Pentium 3 1.2 GHZ “Tualatin” (Page 5/8)

Posted: July 30, 2001
Written by: Tuan Huynh

Sysmark 2001 Internet Content Creation

Sysmark 2001 Internet Content Creation deals with heavy multimedia and graphic content. We all know this content is bandwidth intensive and is a test of the Intel i815 chipset itself.

Here we see a jump of 11% compared to the Pentium 3 1 GHz. Since the tests are bandwidth intensive, we really see the i815E chipset holding the Pentium 3 back. With memory bandwidth being the problem, we see that the Tualatin is not showing its full potential. Let’s just hope Intel will develop a DDR chipset that improves memory bandwidth significantly so the Tualatin will be able to show its full potential.

Sysmark 2001 Office Productivity

Sysmark 2001 Office Productivity is more of a general consumer and office environment type test then Internet Content Creation. Sysmark Office Productivity deals more with everyday use office applications such as Microsoft Office, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and web browsing. These tests are typical home and office tests and a pretty good indication of what types of performance increase home users will see.

In Office Productivity, we see the current trend of an 11% speed increase. It seems like there will only be an 11% speed increase for office usage and nothing more. Since it tests use of office applications, it’s more of a test of the storage subsystem more then processor/core-logic.

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