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Review: Hercules 3D Prophet 2 Ultra (Page 5/9)

Posted: December 1, 2000
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

Quake 3 Arena 1.25y

The same thing happens in Quake 3. The Prophet once again stays in the lead. Look at that -- 80.5 frames per second at 1600x1200. This is insane speed, though for an insane price. If you want the best, you have to show the money. I included Demo01 and Demo02 just to get some variation in what’s going on and the type of scenarios that could happen during actual game play.

If you purchase a GeForce2 Ultra based card, you’re not going to want to stick around in Normal mode are you? You should be playing with all graphics features on!

In high quality mode, your FPS may drop, but are still very playable. If you don’t think so, there’s something wrong with you. Heh. 1600x1200 really shows off the power of the Prophet 2 Ultra. At this resolution however, speed drops significantly below 1280x1024. This is once again due to fill rate. Keep in mind though that this is Quake 3. Not everyone plays Quake 3. If you play games like Red Alert 2, Diablo 2, Flight Simulator 2001, etc. then 1600x1200 should be no problem for the Ultra at all. I might even go higher. However, if all you play Diablo2 and its clones, then a GeForce2 Ultra based card is not for you. You’d get better value for your dollar if you went with a GTS or an MX based card.

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