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Review: Elsa GLADIAC Ultra (Page 5/9)

Posted: November 6, 2000
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen


As of this writing, Elsa has drivers that are based on Detonator 3s but they aren’t full drivers, meaning there are not any extra tools like the Elsa Smart Refresh applet. Other things that are missing are ElsaTools and Revelator support. The most current full driver package is based on version NVIDIA driver 5.30.

This means if you want the full package, you’re going to sacrifice some speed because the Detonator 3s offer a big improvement in speed for virtually all their processors ranging from the GeForce2 Ultra all the way down to the original TNT.

We decided the best way to pack a full punch was to go with recent drivers. I mean, why have a killer card with chicken drivers right? Let’s take a look at how the Gladiac Ultra performs.

Benchmark System

AMD “Thunderbird” Athlon 1GHz

Asus A7V rev. 1.01, BIOS 1002
256MB Infineon PC133 SDRAM Cas2
Elsa GLADIAC Ultra with official Detonator 3 (6.35)
IBM GXP75 Ultra100 HD
Windows 98 SE

800x600 @ 16/32bpps
1024x768 @ 16/32bpps
1280x1024 @ 16/32bpps

Quake 3 Arena with latest Point Release
Demo 1 & 2: Normal and High Quality

Unreal Tournament 4.32

On to some marks!

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