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Review: Asus V8200 Deluxe GeForce3 (Page 7/11)

Posted: May 8, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

Benchmarks (cont.)

Quake 3 Arena

After that brief edge Asus had in 3DMark2001, Leadtek took over but not by much. We see the same types of performance differences here in Quake 3. It’s becoming quite apparent that you wont’ be buying either card for their differences in speed but rather feature set and cost.

The GeForce3’s high-resolution specialty lies within its FSAA speeds. From the charts above, we see GeForce3 totally demolishing the GeForce2 Ultra. Although GeForce2 supported FSAA, it was more of a last minute thing that we didn’t see added until later driver versions. Initial drivers didn’t support FSAA when GeForce2 was launched. We probably also wouldn’t have seen so much development in FSAA if it hadn’t been for 3dfx.

After NV25, the fall refresh of GeForce3, we might be able to see some of 3dfx’s exclusive technologies in NV30 and beyond. For now, it’s just a guess at what NVIDIA will implement. Keep in min that Gigapixel’s technology is also in NVIDIA’s grip. Exciting things are going to be happening soon from all fronts of computer graphics.

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