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Review: Asus V8200 Deluxe GeForce3 (Page 8/11)

Posted: May 8, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen


Just as I suspected -- the better heatsinks on the V8200 Deluxe allow it to clock a bit higher than the WinFast. It’s all common sense really.

I managed to push the V8200 core to 225MHz and its memory to 530MHz. The core speed stayed identical to the WinFast speeds and both cards crashed in 3DMark2001 if I raised it higher. The memory on the V8200 however scaled 10MHz higher than the WinFast and thus gave placed it a few frames ahead of the WinFast.

Both cards benefited from the overclock more at the high-end resolutions like 1600x1200 than lower resolutions. Overclocking the memory had a direct impact on the fillrate performance of both cards. We’re finally able to experience blistering performance at resolutions thanks to the GeForce3’s superb memory archictecture. The Crossbar memory architecture that NVIDIA has implemented in its GeForce3 was a gigantic leap from its GeForce2 memory architecture.

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