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Review: Asus V8200 Deluxe GeForce3 (Page 6/11)

Posted: May 8, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen



Here we see both the Asus and the Leadtek GeForce3 cards take the lead and stay quite ahead of the GeForce2 Ultra. Asus holds a very slight margin ahead of Leadtek but it’s not a significant amount and definitely not enough to warrant which card is faster. At 1024x768, the V8200 holds a 0.5% lead above the WinFast GeForce3. I guess the real test in speed will turn up when we try overclocking both cards.


With AquaMark, the tiny lead that Asus held in 3DMark2001 is gone and we see it slip a step behind Leadtek. Again, these are small differences in the range of 1FPS and should not be taken seriously. All two GeForce3 cards still smoke the GeForce2 Ultra in DirectX 8 games and this is of course understandable considering GeForce3 was meant for DX8.


MDK2 tells the same story as AquaMark. Nothing much to say here -- both the V8200 Deluxe and the WinFast GF3 are so perform nearly identical to each other. Maybe those shortened traces didn’t have a speed effect after all. They’re great still because reducing line noise slightly improves image quality when you’re dealing with the analog filters.

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