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Review: AMD 850MHz Duron (Page 6/7)

Posted: January 13, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

Benchmarks (cont.)

Unreal Tournament 4.32

Unreal Tournament, being a CPU intensive benchmark and game, seems to show a more significant difference between the two 850MHz processors. The performance levels off at high resolutions. Then again, the difference is a measly 7.1FPS at 800x600.

This small difference shows that the Duron is a very powerful processor even though it’s being marketed as a “value” processor for a “value” platform. However I don’t see anything sluggish about the Duron. In fact, as the next benchmark section will show, the Duron can compete very well in games.


We know everyone of you reading this is eventually going to ask us how far we managed the Duron. Here’s a quick answer: 1090MHz. Use a FSB setting of 109MHz and a clock multiplier adjustment of 10.0x. Using our Alpha PAL6035 with a 38CFM 60mm Delta fan, we were able to test without a hitch. Let’s take a look at the scores in Quake 3.

Testing raw performance requires lower resolutions so we decided to go with the three lowest ones. Check that out -- 143.9FPS in 1024x748. This isn’t anything to shrug at folks. A jump of 290MHz is nothing short of amazing. This is what I call value! Those of you on a budget can really get a high end gaming machine with little fuss at all thanks to CPUs like the Duron and Celeron.

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