Tweak3D - Your Freakin' Tweakin' Source!
How to Choose the Right Heatsink (Page 5/6)

Posted: March 16, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

Test Results

Here are the results from testing:

The lower the better

Judging from the chart, there’s not much I need to say. The chart clearly shows the winner. Like I said before though, the direction of flow really depends on the design of the heatsink and the environment it operates in and around. The PAL6035 wasn’t the best heatsink for nothing!

There are certain situations where one fan direction will be more effective than another. You might want to try it out for yourself to see which one works best for you. Having a fan pull air from an “open” heatsink like the Vantec is definitely not the way to go. For fan suction, you’ll need to shroud your heatsink well enough so that enough air moves in from the bottom and not anywhere else. Here’s a shot from my Duron 850 review and how I shrouded the heatsink:

Taped around the top

Notice how I just didn't leave the entire heatsink air-opened? I used masking tap to actually cover the entire top half of the heatsink so air can be forced in from the bottom where heat is most concentrated. This technique works only if you shroud your heatsink.

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