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Heavy Metal: FAKK2 Tweak Guide (Page 4/4)

Posted: September 10, 2000
Written By: Keith "Farrel" McClellan

More Advanced Options...

Compiled Vertex Array - This setting turns on and off vertex array compiling. As far as I have been able to tell (I've never run into this setting before), enabling this is the best way to go - however, it is possible that on some systems disabling it could give a performance increase. You will have to try this one for yourself.

Reverb - This setting turns on and off reverberation in 3D sound. Disabling this might give you a little extra speed, as it can free up CPU power.

GL Fog - This setting lets the computer use OpenGL accelerated fog calculations to create fog as opposed to using software to calculate it. Unless you have a video card with a really bad implementation of OpenGL, I would recommend enabling this.

Wall Decals - This setting enables/disables wall decals. Decals are the 2D pictures that are painted on a 3D object when something like blood is splattered on it. Disabling this can give a slight performance increase.

Crosshair - This setting enabled/disables the in-game crosshair. I would recommend leaving this enabled as disabling it will have little or no effect and could possibly make the game more difficult to play.

Mouse Filter - This setting enables/disables the mouse filter, which stops the game from jumping around so much when you move the mouse quickly, but at the same time, can slightly impact performance. If your computer is fast enough it is likely that you won't even notice a difference in the game if it is disabled.

Console - This setting allows you to access the console using the tilde [~] key.

Small Console - This setting enables a mini-console that pops out whenever the game has extra information to tell you (like the music didn't load or your video card doesn't support trilinear filtering). I would leave this enabled for convenience sake since it doesn't impact the performance of the game.

Screen Size - If the game is too pixilated at your current resolution but you can't play the game at a higher resolution because of speed restraints, one possibility would be to choose a higher resolution and then size down the actual game resolution (without changing the monitor resolution) by using this slider. Left is smaller and right is bigger.

Special Effects Detail - This slider determines how detailed the special effects (like the splattering of monster blood) is - sliding this to the right increases the detail while sliding it to the left decreases the detail.


As I previously mentioned above, you can use the tilde [~] key to get into the console in FAKK2 if it is enabled. Since this game uses the Quake 3 engine, you will find that many of the same console commands will work for FAKK2 as they did for Quake 3 (and this means even some parts of our excellent Quake 3 Autoexec Creator will help as well). Now, I'm not going to give you a rundown of all the available console commands or anything like that, mainly because the important ones are already covered by the in-game settings manager, but sometimes it is convenient to be able to bind keys and the like in the middle of the game.


Well, I hope this guide has helped you speed up FAKK2 on your system. If you are still having trouble or want to milk that last bit of tweaking goodness out of the game, I would recommend taking a look at the documents we have available for Quake 3 - they share a common rendering engine and as such share a lot of configurable settings. Also, just like always, I'd recommend taking a look at our general system tweaking guides to further boost your performance. Feel free to e-mail me with your comments and questions.

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