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Xoxide LL Warrior Review & Contest

Posted: April 29th, 2003
Written by: Justin "The Sheriff" Woods

The case up close

Now, I want to make something clear before we get too far into the details of the case. This review is going to be centered on the modifications that were done by, while at he same time giving you details and information pertaining to my experience building a system within the case, and not so much on the case as it ships from Lian Li. I spent a lot of time looking at the case up close. Particularly noticeable is how well the window and surrounding rubber gasket are applied.

The window molding doesn't secure the plexiglas to the case.

The interesting thing about the way they attached the Plexiglas is secured to the case is that it isn't inserted into the molding like you might normally see, but glued to the inside of the case side, which means the molding is used solely for dressing up the cutout for the window. This is a much quicker, easier ay to make the window as you don't have to cut the Plexiglas precisely to fit the molding. Aside from a little added weight, I don't see any problems or a lack of quality with this method of adding a window.

You can see the silicon, which holds the window in place.

A closer look at the inside of the window, where you can clearly see the silicon glue. Note: The two fans you see light up with blue LEDs.

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