Posted: April 9th, 2002
Written by: Tuan Huynh
The Test Continued...
In Sysmark 2002 Internet Content Creation, the Fire Dragon falls behind the BD7-RAID by 2% but still is able to perform on par with the D845BG.
In Sysmark Office Productivity, the Fire Dragon puts up quite a battle with the BD7-RAID, falling behind by just 2%. Compared to the D845BG, the Fire Dragon beats it out by 4% keeping it quite competitive.
In Quake 3 Arena, the Fire Dragon may not be the BD7-RAID, but it still is able to keep up falling short only 3% behind and still able to outperform the D845BG by a mere 1%.
In 3D Mark 2001SE where memory bandwidth prevails, the Fire Dragon is able to be competitive falling behind the BD7-RAID by less then 1%. Compared to the D845BG, the FIRE Dragon is still able to maintain a 3% lead like in the other benchmarks.
in PC Mark 2002, we are finally able to see the Fire Dragon outperform the BD7-RAID for once, though it’s a very minimal amount of less then 1%, its good to know the Fire Dragon can actually outperform the BD7-RAID in a benchmark :O).
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