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Nvidia GeForce3 Ti 500 Preview (Page 4/6)

Posted: October 1, 2001
Written by: Dan "Tweak Monkey" Kennedy

The Card

From left to right: GF3, GF3 Ti500, GF2 Ti

The card looks almost exactly like the GF3 from the front, as expected. On the far right is the soon-to-be-announced GF2 Ti, which offers performance comparable to a GF2 Ultra.

And the back of the cards...

Nothing unusual here. The Titanium cards sure look a lot greener than the GeForce3, though.

Benchmark Setup and System

It'd be unfair to simply put the newest drivers on both the GF3 and the GF3 Ti500 and compare them. We know from experience that Nvidia's products don't just evolve over generations; the drivers do, too. So, to compare "apples to apples" as best I can, I will benchmark the GF3 with its original drivers (that is, 7 month old drivers), and the GF3 Ti500 with its original drivers (brand spankin' new ones). Since some people will complain about this, I'll also throw the newest drivers on the GF3 just for kicks. This should also give you an idea of how much the GF3 Ti500 will increase in performance over the next ~6 months.

Due to massive time constraints and NDA, I don't have anything on hand that's fast enough to really push the cards to their limits, so this 850 MHz system will have to do for now (I may benchmark with a better system later):
AMD Thunderbird 850 MHz
Asus A7V 133 motherboard
256 MB SDRAM @ 133 MHz
SB Live! Value
GeForce3 Reference Card @ default clock w/ 10.40 Detonator drivers
GeForce3 Reference Card @ default clock w/ 21.85 Detonator drivers (9/19/01)
GeForce3 Ti500 Reference Card w/ 21.85 Detonator drivers (9/19/01)

Quake3, fresh install, HQ mode with changed resolution, vsync off, Demo1
3DMark 2001
Windows 2000 Professional

Now, onto benchmarks (er, on page 5).

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