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Review: Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead (Page 7/9)

Posted: December 8, 2000
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

Drivers and BIOS Updating

I definitely love these DVD options. I think I’m going to buy another 22-inch monitor for this card. Heh.

BIOS Updating

A nice feature Matrox included is the ability to update the G450’s BIOS on the fly. Just run the included application and select the card and press okay. The app will connect to Matrox and download the appropriate BIOS image, install it, and ask you to reboot; with zero fuss. Below is a screenshot of the Matrox PBIOSWin utility.

Let’s move on to some benchmarks.

Benchmark System

AMD “Thunderbird” Athlon 1000MHz (Socket A)

Asus A7V rev. 1.01, BIOS 1002
512MB Micron PC133 SDRAM Cas2

Matrox G450 32MB DualHead with driver revision 1.63.026
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 32MB with Detonator 3 (6.35) [Hercules 3D Prophet 2 MX]
NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS 32MB with Detonator 3 (6.35) [Hercules 3D Prophet 2 GTS]
ATI Radeon 32MB DDR with driver revision 5.0.3043

IBM GXP75 Ultra100 HD
Windows 2000 SP1

Ziff-Davis WinBench 99

- 1024x768 16-bit
- 1280x1024 32-bit

- 1024x768 16-bit
- 1280x1024 32-bit

Let’s get on to some marks!

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