Tweak3D - Your Freakin' Tweakin' Source!
Review: Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead (Page 5/9)

Posted: December 8, 2000
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

DualHead Functions

DualHead Multi-Display

- Set independent resolutions and refresh rates for each display
- Ability to customize refresh rate settings
- DeskNav
- Save desktop icons
- Save windows positions
- Concurrent modes
- Hardware Direct3D acceleration on both screens
- Hardware OpenGL acceleration on both screens
- High-resolutions TV output
- MaxView
- Multi-Desktop
- Support for multiple video streams
Extend one application window across two displays.
View a different application on each display.
Play multi-player games with independent displays for each player (requires game support).

DualHead Zoom

- Ability to set high-quality filtered zoom or pixilated zoom
- Panned Zoom
- DualHead Multi-Zoom
- Application-specific Zoom
- Concurrent Zoom
Zoom any part of the primary display full-screen to the secondary display.

DualHead DVDMax

- Enabled automatically when video is detected
- Playback on secondary display only
- Independent color control
- Concurrent DVDMax
Full-screen independent playback to TV, leaving a fully accessible Windows desktop on the primary display.

DualHead TV Output

Primary display's refresh rate is not locked to the TV's low refresh rate.
TV can be used as a secondary display under Multi-Display mode.
Refresh rates of primary monitor are independent of the TV's refresh rates.

DualHead Clone

Duplicates desktop onto the second display.
Clone screen onto larger TV display for presentations/games.

DualHead SnapShot

Allows user to select any rectangular region and instantly copy to clipboard or create an image without use of third party utilities.

That's a lot of DualHead action! Very impressive! Let’s move on to drivers.

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