Logitech ClickSmart 510
Posted: July 12, 2002
Written by: Justin "The Sheriff" Woods
Initial Impressions and details
As you can see from the pictures, the camera has a small LCD panel on the back, which displays the picture mode, battery status, number of shots or video time remaining, picture quality, whether the camera makes an audible noise when the shutter is depressed, and if the flash is on. The LCD is nearly impossible to read in the dark, but does pack a lot of information into a very small screen, and is easy to maneuver through using the "mode" and "select" buttons when properly lit. The memory card slips easily in to the slot on the left side of the camera (shown open). To insert memory, you press it in all the way and it clicks into place. Removing the memory is as simple as pushing on it, which releases the card. It would have been nice to be able to view your pictures, but this camera isn't marketed towards the middle or high end digital camera market, and many features standard on today's digital cameras are not included. To its credit, the camera saves on battery consumption, which is always good.
 Click to enlarge
 Click to enlarge
The shape and design are pleasing to the eyes. The camera has a black covering, which has a smooth feeling to it. It isn't tacky, just very east to hold on to, and reminds me of the black covering on a baseball bat. I like the feel. At least twice, it saved the camera from slipping out of my hand. The base is also covered top and bottom which keeps the camera perched precariously atop my monitor, and seems slip-proof. The front of the camera has the QuickSync button, which allows for one-button picture and video downloads from the cam to your PC. When you press it, it lights up a groovy green color. Below the lens are two symbols, which are used to set the camera's focus. The mountain symbol is for anything beyond 3 feet, while the man icon is used to the range to shorter than 3 feet. To set the focal length, simple turn the lens. There is also a small LED on the camera, right above the QuickSync button, which lights up green when the cam is running.
Next Page --Installing the Camera on your PC--