Kingston CF/1024 I gigabyte Compact Flash card & Digital Media Flashcard reader

Posted: January, 15th 2003
Written by: Justin "The Sheriff" Woods
Introduction & details
The digital age is upon us. Almost every person I know has some form of digital gadget, from digital cameras to PDA's, and they all require or support some type of storage media. Today, we're going to look at a couple products that I think are very cool, a 1-gigabyte compact flash (CF) card, and a 6-in-1 digital media flashcard reader from the memory manufacturing goliath, Kingston.
Known for its affordable, high-performance memory, Kingston manufactures products and the peripherals related to primary storage. I call them a goliath, because they don't just manufacture memory for the Kingston brand name, just about every manufacturer from Dell to HP uses Kingston memory, or at least uses Kingston's modules for their memory, though under their own brand name. Let's take a look at the 1 gigabyte CF/1024 compact flash card from Kingston.
1024 megabytes (1 gigabytes) of storage capacity
Carrying case
5-year warranty
3.3V & 5V voltage support
Supported by Windows9x, NT, 2000, XP, Macintosh OS, and OS2/Warp
Plug-n-Play compatible
Autosleep mode to preserve notebook battery life
Next Page: The 6-in-1 media reader