Tweak3D - Your Freakin' Tweakin' Source!

Posted: May 26th, 2004
Written by: Adam Honek

Benchmarking a Nokia 6600

At first it may appear odd to some we are not going to stop anything short also of benchmarking the Nokia 6600, smartphones in our view are prime candidates and to strengthen this view there is software to do just that. In our tests we will use benchmarking software specifically designed for Symbian devices and which review performance under such criteria such as math calculations, and graphical performance. Sadly we could not obtain specific 2D, 3D, text and animation benchmark data from other phones so we decided to simply indicate the overall value that JBenchmark produces. Please keep in mind what we said when discussing the Nokia’s 6600 efficiency as above, it is very much faster in 3D and fill rate than either a Nokia 7650 or 3650.

The performance of the Nokia 6600 in comparison with other cell phones.

Next Page: Conclusion

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