XP does not see added RAM

Discussion in 'Tech' started by peveler, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. peveler

    peveler New Member

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    I have never seen this problem before yesterday.
    My computer BIOS sees 2 DIMM slots with 512MB in each. But Windows XP SP2 only registers 512 MB under Properties, General. What is wrong?
  2. MaesterB

    MaesterB King of the Wicker People

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    Regina, Sask, why'd you ask?
    So when you boot up the system, it says you have 1024MB in the POST screen, correct?

    Your system doesn't have a shared ATI- or Nvidia-onboard video card, does it? Some boards with "high-end" onboard video cards will share more RAM than necessary (at least I've seen sometimes).

    If your BIOS is reporting 1024MB, Windows should be reporting it, unless there's another factor involved.
  3. peveler

    peveler New Member

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    XP does not see added memory

    This is a Dell 8400, and it does not show the Ram on boot. But it does in the BIOS Setup. I updated the BIOS but that did not fix this problem.
    It does have a high end graphics controller, so I will check that out.
  4. Peveler: Are the two sticks of ram identical? I know that, in the past if you had a double sided stick, and a single sided stick of ram, it would act this way. There was no cure, other than getting different ram.

    I haven't seen this since I last worked on a P3, but it is possible.
  5. peveler

    peveler New Member

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    Yes, both of the RAM sticks or DIMMS are identical. I am going to investigate the video controller and see if it is somehow causing this memory loss.