Web Hosting Only $3.67/Month, Free Set Up, Free Domain

Discussion in 'Deals' started by T3D Deals, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. T3D Deals

    T3D Deals New Member

    Trophy Points:
    [​IMG]You're getting 1 year of hosting for $44 at this price! You get unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited mailboxes, unlimited MySQL databases and you can host unlimited domains as well. Add to that the usual single click scripts and all of the usual like Load Balancing, CGI, PHP, Ruby, Perl and more. It's $3.67 per month regardless of whether you choose a 1 year plan, 2 year plan or 3 year plan. Just make sure you UN-CHECK the random "Great Services" that automatically get checked off adding to the total price unless you really want those them. Expires 4/30/10. WEB HOSTING FOR ONLY $3.67 PER MONTH WITH UNLIMITED EVERYTHING DEAL</p>
    • Update: If you're looking to sign up for 2 or 3 years, a popular host seems to be Just Host which is currently offering hosting for $3.45 a month IF you do a whopping 4 year service. However, even so, you're looking at just $165 for 4 years of hosting. If you're looking for anything else, I'd still go with the FatCow offer as they're giving you 1 year of service at the $3.67 price. JUST HOST WEB HOSTING PROMO