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Tweak Monkey's CPU Overclocking Tips (Page 1/5)

Posted: July 20, 2000
Written by: Dan "Tweak Monkey" Kennedy


Like hot-rodders in the 1960s and 1970s, overclockers are a somewhat-new breed of enthusiasts. When an overclocker's PC just isn't fast enough, they don't whine about it or buy a new CPU. Hell no. That would be too easy, and often times, too expensive. Instead, they do what any hot-rodder would do -- they tweak what they've got and modify it for maximum speed and stability.

This guide is a compilation of my personal favorite CPU overclocking tips. Note that some of these tips can be found elsewhere on the Internet, and other overclockers' opinions may differ from mine. Also, keep in mind that overclocking is considered by some to be dangerous and risky. This guide was written to help you, the average Joe Overclocker, reach new speeds (with stability) on your CPU overclocking adventure.

Also note that this article is not for total newbies. You've got to have at least a CPU and motherboard combination that allows overclocking and you need to have some overclocking experience and knowledge.
For more information on how to overclock a CPU, go to the How To Overclock a CPU article. With all that said, let's get started...

Cautions and Warnings: Is Overclocking Dangerous?

Several times you've probably heard people say that CPU overclocking is dangerous. Usually it seems like newbies, PC retailers, and CPU manufacturers say these things. Is overclocking really dangerous? Well, yes and no. And keep in mind, it's "dangerous" for your CPU; not for you, personally. If you truly know what you're doing, it really isn't that dangerous. But even an experienced overclocker can kill a CPU if they aren't careful or overlook certain things like voltage. For the average PC user, overclocking is more dangerous. The safety precautions that an overclocking veteran would take may be overlooked by a newbie. So, when Intel (for example) declares that overclocking is risky and can be dangerous, they are usually saying so for all the newbies out there that are new or unfamiliar to overclocking. It's simply for liability. If Intel encouraged or even supported overclocking, there would be plenty more Celeron keychains and Pentium II paperweights available.

What's the Problem?

Now that I've addressed a few issues, let's get into the gist of things. Since you are in fact reading this guide, I'm guessing you are looking for a solution to an overclocking problem you're having. You can't get into Windows? Your PC flashes up random BSODs (Blue Screens of Death)? Your PC can't get past the BIOS? Your PC doesn't turn on when you overclock? Your PC freezes after about an hour of running? Phew. No problem... we'll cover it all in this section... on the next page.

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