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How to Build a Server (Page 7/12)

Posted: May 30, 2001
Written by: Tuan "Solace" Nguyen

The Hardware (con.t)

The CD-R Writer: Plextor PlexWriter 12/4/32 SCSI

Your server will hold critical data that you’ll need to backup somehow. Tape storage is an option, but CDs last longer, are more durable and are more portable than a DAT cartridge. With CDs costing as low as they are now, it makes sense to go with a CD writer for archiving purposes.

The 12/4/32 PlexWriter is a SCSI writer so it fits in well in our SCSI storage system. It doesn’t come with BURNProof but on a server like this, we’re not going to worry about encountering buffer underruns. Basically, you can use any old CD writer you have laying around for backup purposes. We aren’t really worried about the writer’s speed since it’s not going to be on our primary machine.

The DVD/CD Reader: Toshiba 12X ATAPI DVD

A DVD drive isn’t really needed, but I through it in anyway for the sake of compatibility. Who knows when we’ll stumble into a game we need to install that’s on a DVD!

Find a drive that works, and put it in. I just happen to have a spare Toshiba 12X drive around, which is fast enough for any CD and DVD realistically speaking. Having another optical drive installed gives us a new feature -- the server can now do disc-to-disc duplication. Data won’t have to be copied to the hard drive and then back on to a blank CD-R. This way, we save space and time.

Other Components

The devices I talked about above are important to the function of the server. In the end, even a server needs simple things such as a keyboard and mouse. And what would a computer be without a monitor? You can pick any monitor you like. Usually, servers have monitors that are large enough just to do what needs to be done.

You’ll also need the standard floppy drive for those rare cases, and finally, you’ll need a case and power supply.

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