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Gaming and Windows 2000 (Page 3/4)

Posted: June 21, 2000
Written By: Keith "Farrel" McClellan

Forcing Setup

Some games have their setup programs configured so as to not allow you to install them when you are running Windows NT/2000. However, some of those same setup programs have an attribute that the Q&A guys used to test out the possibility of having the game run on NT in the first place. The attribute usually takes the form of -nt or -ntforce, but not always. To attempt to run the setup program and force it to install, go into the run dialogue box and type in the complete address of the setup program followed by the required attribute [ex: d:\setup.exe -nt]. You may be able to get more information on the topic from the game's website or from their tech support guys.

The 'Ali Fakir' Method

For those of you who were wondering, Ali Fakir is a character from Quest for Glory 2. He ran a whole bunch of different shops under a variety of different names, and he generally tricked you into buying something that was different than it appeared. It was a really cool game and you should check it out. Anyway, the point is that this method uses a couple of tricks to fake a game into thinking that it was actually installed on Win2k when actually it really wasn't.

To do this, you are going to have to be dual booting. If you aren't, sorry, you're out of luck. Boot up into Win9x and install the game as you normally would, and then go ahead and reboot into Win2k. This will work about 25% of the time (the games recreate their own registry settings), so it is worth a try and can save you some serious trouble. But if it didn't work, don't give up all hope yet. Reboot your system into Win9x and open up the registry in your editor of choice (regedit works fine for me).

Within the registry, search for the name of the game you just installed. Find it? Export that key to a registry file, and while you are at it, see if you can find the keys for the company or companies that produced and or published the game and export those keys as well. Then boot up into Win2k and merge those registry files in with your own registry (don't worry, you won't break anything, they are the same basic format now). Now, reboot your computer into Win2k and try running the game. This will give you an extra 15% or so chance of getting the game to run (most games nowadays will recreate missing registry settings, though, so this may only work with some older games).

Patch 'er Up

Once again, you can try to patch the game and see if that helps. Depending on what the patch does and the distribution method that the developers have chosen, you may have to apply the patch from within Win9x. If this is the case, check and make sure that it didn't add any new registry keys that could be necessary to the game (if it did you will need to do the regedit copy thing explained above again), and then go ahead and try the game in Win2k. If the game still won't run at all, check out and try accompat.exe (explained below) as a last resort.

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