Who did YOU vote for?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by nidex, Nov 4, 2008.


Who did you vote for?

  1. Obama/Biden

    37 vote(s)
  2. McCain/Palin

    9 vote(s)
  3. Barr/Root

    8 vote(s)
  4. Chuck Baldwin

    0 vote(s)
  5. Cynthia McKinney

    1 vote(s)
  6. Write-in/Other

    5 vote(s)
  1. mattdev

    mattdev liberal crybaby

    Trophy Points:
    Portland, Oregon
  2. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    Did you just read your "blame" and arguement? Believe it or not, the world and it's affairs are not black and white. Sure, there are lazy assed welfare cases that aren't much more than leeches, but not all (I'm willing to bet most) of people that are low to lower middle class (working poor) never got the opportunities or had them removed from the realm of possibilities that others enjoy. Those numbers are growing exponentially. You are getting flack, not because of your belief that hard work and education are all that it takes, you are recieving a rash of shit because your condemnation of anyone that isn't doing it the way you choose to do it as being lazy fucks.
    FYI: sometimes :"consequences" are not cause-and-effect related to a person's own decisions or actions.
  3. darktides

    darktides Hot stuff tonight

    Trophy Points:
    The second paragraph pretty much sums up Obama's redistrobution of wealth. I am watching to see how this all will play out, it may be peachy keen, if that happens I will GLADLY eat my words. I have no problem with being wrong. Obama does have socialist tendancies, not 100% Marxist, but socialist nontheless. Its been a while since I took an in depth class on Socialism, Communism etc, but I call it like I see it. I would rather vote for a candidate that honors the Constitution and not belive that judges should be able to determine what it and the Bill of Rights actually says. Remember that the Bill of Rights isn't a list of rights for us, it is a list of rights that the government shall not infringe.

    Wiskas, I can see where I came off like its my way or the highway. Where I live most of our welfare cases are generational abusers. I went to school with many, many people who PLANNED on having kids just to get welfare money. I hope other areas are different but I see more people that need and deserve welfare being denied while our housing projects are overrun with Escalades and what not in the driveway. Maybe I should have said that drive is the most important factor that people seem to lack. I know several people that went from dirt poor in the ghetto to college graduates that make good money, it all depends on the person. You control your own destiny, there are always options and decisions, while these decisions are difficult at best, you have a choice to make. I feel that trying to communicate is a waste of effort, too many people want "the man" to give them everything that they need. America has a mixed economy but for the most part we are Capitalist. This means that there are a disproportionate amount of people that have the majority of the wealth. That is how it is, will continue to be and should be. Show me one multi-millionaire that didn't have to work for it, there are not many aside from trust fund babies and the like. At any rate farewell T3D
  4. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

    Trophy Points:
    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    As I mentioned in some thread or other, Socialism is a BIG umbrella, covering groups who would cheerfully kill each other on sight.

    In point of fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt fits the description of Socialist. The entire WW-II economy was Socialist in the extreme, and we had a mildly Socialist command economy from the '40s to the '60s, when things went into the incinerator with Vietnam and Civil Rights, which broke the Democratic Party, and started to give rise to the old-school "fiscal" conservative movement.
  5. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
    Surely you don't mean the era of raging prosperity following the Second World War. :confused:

    Socialism and economic restrictions are bad! :mad:
  6. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

    Trophy Points:
    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    Yup! That very era of raging prosperity. Roosevelt of the New Deal and Social Security and the GI Bill. The Government that gave power to regulated monopolies such as AT&T, and heavily regulated the Airline industry.
  7. ThatHideousStrength

    ThatHideousStrength Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    What's good for the individual isn't good for the group. What's good for the group isn't good for the individual.
  8. GRP

    GRP oh snap

    Trophy Points:
    Fort Myers, FL
    I lol'ed

    Yeah, right.
  9. -=Lurker=-

    -=Lurker=- **BANNED**

    Trophy Points:
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Paris Hilton

    Sux. I was looking forward to "Foerign Pole-icy" Volume: 1
  10. GRP

    GRP oh snap

    Trophy Points:
    Fort Myers, FL
    God, I just wish he wasn't so fucking nuts on so many things. I love him for so, so many things. He's principled though, and I sure as hell can respect that.
  11. Goofus Maximus

    Goofus Maximus Too old to be this dumb!

    Trophy Points:
    St. Louis area, but in Illinois
    Ron Paul was right, but there's nothing he can do about it. It's like all the other 'isms out there, it never works the way the theory says, because PEOPLE are involved. Ron Paul won't be able to change that, no matter how hard he tries.
  12. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    Redistribution of tax burden does not equal "socialism" or "redistribution of wealth".
    Those two phrases, were only uttered forth by the opposing party as a campaign manuever. So many people bought into that line of scare tactic crap. i'm astounded at the number of supposedly inteligent people that still use those campaign "tools" to fuel thier own anger at not getting the candidate they wanted into the oval office. Get over it, besides, since when did a president ever change as much as the haterz are giving
    power to? The "new deal" was a congressional appropriation, not the prez saying "make it so'. The prez cannot order the congress to even blow thier nose. Fuel your angers with whatever you choose, but do it in a sense of reality and own the fact that you're just plain pissed because you didn't get your way.

    As for trying? never give up, but if something isn't working, try something else.
  13. tex

    tex jive turkey

    Trophy Points:
    Actually i think obama said it (it was along the lines of sharing the wealth or something, but same intention of phrase)
  14. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    By sharing the wealth, is it like the "trickle down" theory? Because that has not worked well. Somewhere along the line, greed put a stop to anything trickling down to the one's who buy the shit that makes the greedy wealthy. Kind of a self flogging thibng for the top dawgs to do, but what the hell.