It doesn't matter, we only get to hear and see what it is we're allowed to hear and see. No matter what the source.
I think it basically sums up the "fair and balanced" part. If you only got your news from Fox you would believe Obama is a muslim.
I don't get all my news from Fox. I troll around from site to site and watch various channels on TV. Fox happens to be the best IMHO. Just for shits and giggles......... YouTube - Obama admits he is a Muslim I know it was a slip of the tongue, I'm just joking around.
Fox is not fair. But, CNN is no longer. I just want to turn on the TV and get the news, before I could do that with CNN. Now, it's either an Obama speech or a Pailin slamfest. If you have it, tune to CNN International, it's all the news around the world with hardly a hint of the US presidential debate...I love it.
I think if it wasn't for hanity and orily I think fox would actually be decent. I was watching greta the other day and she was pretty fair.
Sorry bout that.. most are proud to post a drunk thread announcing their situation....I tend to just type in paragraphs as if everything was okay....again sorry
Msnbc is almost as bad as fox but the main characters aren't quite as pompous as hanity or oriley. I like cnn but they seem to play the same crap over and over again.
All, repeat all media news has a vested interest in stirring up shit. it increases ratings. When media news started putting too much importance on ratings over accuracy, the whole institution went to shit. It's not even the reporters and telecasters faults. What and how they deliver the news is dictated to them and compliance means working or not. Recap: it's more important to deliver dividends to stockholders, than deliver accurate reporting of unbiased facts.
YouTube - Fox News Busted YouTube - Fox News Edits Criticism of McCain Out of Daily Show Clip? This is what Fox News is about.