I can't wait until a couple of years from now. Now that commercial enterprises are forced to provide health care for their employees, the price of just about everything is cheaper than ever. The health care industry remains unchecked though. After we set an arbitrary date to pull out of Iraq and made good on it the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurd alike have embrace and fended off any outside influence by Iran, hell, they are giving us free oil. We negotiated with terrorist so that's gone away too. Although he didn't promise this, Obama went on national television in 2009 and asked all the illegal aliens to go back home, and they did! Things are just swell. But seriously, this election is going to be one serious eye opener for you younger folks. I disagree with Biden (slow Joe as he's know in Congress) that this is the most important election in history (I hope he didn't plagiarize that line from a sophomore's term paper like before) but 2012 will decide our real future. I think we need to hit rock bottom before we really make some hard decisions. We have always been best when the cards are way down ie the great depression..WWII We'll make it through this, we just have some really hard times coming up. Just my opine And as long as Obama doesn't try to cancel hockey season and he keeps Joe duct taped, I won't mind him being president.
Quoting a poll on Drudge is like quoting Olberman, hardly unbiased. Speaking of Drudge have you noticed the fact that he's heavily favored Obama out of all the primary candidates? When the quintessential conservative and libertarian leaning news source has made the democratic contender the image of change it's a sign that the conservative base is highly fractured.
i caught some of the end after i watched my phils win, but from what i saw when they where discussing iraq, she really wasnt answering questions, dodging them, and discussing things that she knew. I DVR'd the debate so im going to catch the first hour, but i heard she did more of the same. I think biden did a good job at going after mccain instead of palin, And you really got a better idea of what the obama camp is about, with there plans for iraq and the economy. Palin did absolutely nothing for Mccain last night, if anything she just made herself look better after a couple horrible tv interviews.
i dont get that at all, why would you want to hit rock bottom? This election is one of the most important to get this country out of the shitter. I know I dont want to lose anymore money in the market, and I'm trying to buy a house in the next year and if this shit continues its not looking real good. Our dollar is just horrible right now, and if we dont do something soon, by 2012 i dont want to know what it will be like.
I'll ask this: "is there a reason the mayan calander ends on 12/21/12?" December 12, 2012: Why and What is Significant About 12/12/12? ALL ABOUT 2012 My point? Life, facts and opinion can be shaped any way you want them to be.............with words and the delivery of words. Many times, reality and words are so far apart that they don't even seem to be related in any way. Elections speaches and campaign words fall into this category.
Ditto. I liked both candidates performances, but Biden seemed pretty on-the-ball. And kudos for not going in for the kill when she made some silly mistakes, like messing up the general's name, etc. Anyway, Palin pulled it out and handled herself pretty well.
Wait, so you say Factcheck.org is some liberally bias site, but that FOX News is fair. .....but Fox just cited Factcheck.... hmmmm
No, no, no. That's not what I meant Fiddy. I was saying that this fact check was done by Fox and didn't appear to be one sided. I wasn't inferring that Factcheck.org wasn't legit on this. I meant it seemed fair all around and not just plus-plus for Gov. Palin. I figured no one here would read it without prefacing that because it was from Fox.
My impressions: They both did their VP debating job well, overplaying their own side while misrepresenting the other. I'm a bit disappointed that Biden didn't put his foot in his mouth, and Palin didn't make any stupid gaffs. Aside from that, only one thing really bugged me no end. It's NU CLE AR, not NU CU LAR. Palin must have taken lessons from Homer Simpson... Oh, and the surge "worked", if you count the fact that we simply paid off the militant groups... excuse me... the "Sons Of Iraq", to work for our "lesser of two evils" side. They all still hate us, and things will go downhill no matter when we leave, even if it's 100 years from now. This guy talks about why we should talk with Iran, explaining it better than I ever could.
Wait you stated that the fact checking was done by Fox News so we'd see it was fair so that we'd actually read it? If you wanted us to consider it fair and unbiased than leaving out the Fox News part would have been best.
So I should have left out the fact that the information was from Fox? That would be misleading don't you think Juballharshaw? Based upon responses from this board yes, I wanted everyone to know where my facts came from and to not automatically dismiss them because of the source. I wanted to state the facts and that is all. If you feel comfortable stating "Just Enough" then sobeit. I've had people in the past automatically dismiss what I've posted because it came from a source they think is one sided. Just trying to cover my bases here. MSP is as wrong as the night is white. Fox is by far the most balanced TV news available followed closely by ABC. MSNBC is what most people should be complaining about.
Theres no doubt that MSNBC is an Obama station, they are bias in that sense. However, MSNBC does not make stuff up in order to portray McCain as being something hes not (from what I have seen), they show the truth which sheds a bad light on his campaign. Foxnews repeatedly makes comments that are 100% false and just propaganda. I hate all mainstream media though.
Wow. To think you're the one who quite often calls the "liberal" members of this forum brainwashed when it comes to a lot of the dividing issues. I'm sure as hell not going to say that MSNBC is unbiased or that CNN doesn't have a slant (though out of the three I think it is the most balanced) but saying that Fox News is the most balanced news available is just naive imnsho.
I like CNN (and BBC). Beyond that it's pretty easy to see slant in the other major news outlets. Tac, even as a fellow conservative the slant of Fox News is obvious to me. I like it to a certain extent because it helps to balance out what is generally overwhelmingly liberal news outlets. But to argue against it's bias does you a disservice. It would be similar to arguing that water isn't wet to a bunch of people standing in a swimming pool. EDIT: Wait a sec, I just reread what you wrote - I'm as wrong as the night is white? I think you got that mixed up.
lol I was thinking the same thing, does that mean you are right? Of the major news outlets I think cnn is the most balanced (not including bbc or pbs), both msnbc and Fox are pretty biased and are almost unwatchable now.
Right as the night is white.....ok? I guess I'm just one of those guys that's just upset at the bias in the news and programs I come across and it pisses me off. For instance "The View" is watched by hundreds of thousands on a daily basis if not probably millions. It's a program that is meant to entertain but it reaches out to so many that it does influence people. Not unlike "The Daily Show, Letterman, Colbert, MSNBC, NBC, SNL, most comedy shows, Youtube, etc." My ideology isn't at all in stride with any of those programs. I find FOX to be the lone voice of (a differing opinion) in the wilderness amongst all of the Marxist/Socialists views currently spewing their nonsense. It doesn't seem to me to be strictly Conservative at all. It appears to me that they allow a Conservative voice or opinion whereas most other networks will nip that idea right in the bud. The conservatives own the AM/FM and Satellite air but, The Liberals own Hollywood, most news outlets and, television. ......except for Fox News..........go figure. Ratings don't lie.
Ughh....one more time maybe. I meant Fox had done a fact check on the debate. Christ all of a sudden the website owns the term Fact Check. I know Fox used Factcheck.org.........everyone got it? I just didn't want you to immediately dismiss it because it was linked to Fox News.
I honestly can't believe how much you think Fox News is fair and balanced. I guess their marketing team did a great job.
I find it to be one of the few places TV or Internet wise where I can find ALL of the story. It's not Obama all of the time. They actually point out where McCain and or Palin are wrong without ridiculing them. They do the exact same thing with Obama/Biden. I don't know about you but I like to hear both sides (good and bad) and then make an informed opinion. Just Stop.
Are you kidding me? That's your retort? Well that cut and paste video has cured me I guess. I have seen the light! I shall change my ways. I didn't realize I was wrong all of this time. Thank you.
"fox is fair"? alright, i think ive heard enough for tonight. seriously. the most unbiased channel yet is CSPAN. watch it, learn it, live it