That would have been a hilarious sight to see you walk in with lumberjack beard and taking sips out of a flask.
I know, but if you knew you were going to an AA meeting you could have stopped shaving for a few weeks to get that classy strung-out look.
Well, for one, 'strung out' refers to narcotics, not alcohol, and two, normal people become alcoholics too you know. Many people there had been clean for 5, 10, 15 years, they are just normal people working to stay sober.
Listen. It's 2am, I'm drunk, and right now I'd like to imagine everybody at an AA meeting to looking like this: YouTube - Half Baked rehab I have friends that go to AA and are just out of high school. I was just trying to make a stereotype joke. I think I was missing a after my sentence. Plus strung-out refers to drugs and withdrawal but wouldn't alcohol be in the same boat as drugs? Isn't battling alcoholism similar to battling drug addiction?
No worries, I knew you were joking, but after having been to a few Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings I have a lot of respect for the people that are going through that struggle. I'm just trying to point that out to others. And yes an alcohol addiction is very similar to a drug addiction, hell, alcohol is a drug, just a legal one. The addiction mechanisms, changes in the brain, and damage caused to the body can be every bit as bad as 'hard drugs'. I was simply saying that 'strung out' in particular is used to refer to drug addicts: Urban Dictionary: strung out Edit: too much seriousness. I have to miss work tomorrow because I have to go to school and talk to my professor about my final project, ugh.... I'd rather be at work any day.
Ugh...I have to drive my usual 25mi North to work and drive about 50mi South to a college campus to drop off a portfolio, then 25mi back up home. Bullshit facilitated courses...I hate this but I have no choice since that's the only method it was offered.
Fiddy's right. It takes daily hard work to remain clean and sober. It isn't something that you can whip. I've been stacking enough days together to make 21 1/2 years. Everyday has been a struggle but well worth it. BTW: a person doesn't have to be a substance addict or compulsion addict to get a huge benefit from the a way of life based on the 12 steps of AA.
LOL beat me too it. $10 says this is you by the end of the night YouTube - Schwarzenegger Screams in Kindergarten Cop
I bought a new car project yesterday. I hope everything turns out guys can check it out in the gear head garage section. I hope I didnt buy a huge headache for myself.
Yesterday in court, I almost had an anxiety attack, because the guy in front of me did 79 mph in a 55 and I did 76 in a 55. He got 90 days in jail and a 300 dollar fine. But since the officer wrote me up for speeding and not wreckless driving, I only got a 105 dollar fine plus court costs (TOTAL 171 even) I really need a job. I cant wait to have my car back so I can look for one.
He got written up for reckless driving. They should have arrested him when they pulled him over. e: plus apparently it wasnt his first reckless driving ticket.
I don't like all the God in AA. Ever since my sister got clean she's convinced that God is why she's sober. They need secular rehab programs IMO. No one should have to pretend they believe in God to get clean.
They don't require you believe in "God" but "a higher power". For all they care your "higher power" can be a 3 legged gerbil named Larry.
I don't think I could get behind that though. I mean, obviously a christian god is like the go to for that. It's kind of hokey that you must be spiritual about the whole thing. But then again, maybe if my life was down the shitter I'd have a change of face.
i had the most annoying kid ever today. contradicted everything i said and had an attitude you'd expect to see on a high school girl. other than that i survived. off to the NY house for the night! woohoo