It's almost time to look for that geeky/techie Christmas present I give myself some years. Anything looking good? Any super-duper deals? Spill it!
Got your eye on anything in particular? I'd hoped No Man's Sky's price would drop through the floor at some point. Usually I go for hw rather than sw or games but not necessarily. I'm curious about VR, and after the trip to Florida, I reckoned a camera upgrade might be nice. My old Sony Cybershot may not have the greatest guts, but the Carl Ziess lens is nice. I don't know if I can justify several hundred bucks for a truly good camera. My recliner gave out and I just replaced it with one that has the electronic innards like at the movie theaters, so that set me back half a grand. For something that gets used every night, that's OK, and I don't want to get a really really nice one until my cat goes to pussy heaven.
I recently beat Half Life 2 and the following episodes and Bioshock Infinite. Next up is Portal and Assassins Creed
I got stuck in Portal and never finished it. The walk-through for that level that I found on Youtube didn't match what was confronting me in the game.
I bought a pair of Sennheiser 598 C's (closed ear version) on Amazon while they were $99. My review: These are great headphones for GAMING. I used to suck at GAMING. But now, after buying the headphones that are great for GAMING, I hear the footsteps of all the players. No one sneaks up on me from behind any more. I know where all players on the map are at all times. I can even hear them sitting in their chairs at home when they fart. These sure are great GAMING HEADPHONES!! (Copied and pasted from some thread that exists on every GAMING forum that ever existed)