maybe someone should check into other culprits and see if there's a pattern/similarities other than the use of guns:
I went out yesterday and bought 1000 rounds of ammo. Looking at getting some large magazines and likely another gun, before the administration has time to do anything stupid. And I signed the petition to deport Piers Morgan. It's ludicrous of course, but at 90,000 signatures and counting it sends a message to the administration and the media. These are fundamental rights and we're not going to go quietly. But then again there's a petition for the government to fund a build a Deathstar that has gotten 32,000 signatures. Apparently the Empire isn't going to go quietly either. The real trouble is that even the liberals know that banning high capacity magazines and certain types of rifles isn't going to achieve the desired result. Banning those items is a first step towards their actual goal: banning all hand guns, some shotguns, and most rifles. They can't come right out and say it, and it'll take them decades, but like the proverbial lobster we'll just sit here as they turn up the heat until the water is boiling. In terms of a practical solution, I think that hardened security at schools is a good place to start. Reinforced doors at all entrances, and ballistic glass all around. It'll be costly of course, but I personally would be willing to pay a surcharge on guns and ammo to help fund it. It's a lot more realistic than schools arming teachers. Even schools in dangerous hoods haven't gone that route, they've hired private security or signed deals with local law enforcement. A real and practical solution could create jobs!
Treating the symptom of anything will not cure anything. You are correct in that stopping mass killings is not even what this is all about. It's only the latest tool used by the anti-2nd amendments in a fight that started in before 1961.
Damn you guys found out the liberal plan to take away your guns! I don't know how you guys figured it out, supposedly they were communicating via 256 bit encryption but you guys got through that and found out that their master plan was to take all your guns away! /facepalm What's that saying about separating a fool from his money?
Good luck, mas are sold out everywhere. I picked up a Glock 23 (with 600 rounds) and a lower for an AR-15. Couldn't find any AR-15's, so I guess I'm building one. If we had stricter regulations on who bought guns, background checks, mental health checks, blah blah blah, the results would be much better imho. The assault weapon ban of 94 did nothing but increase the amount of guns and mags and increase their popularity. Here in Wisco, I can go buy an ar-15 and walk out the same day, the gun guy just has to call the feds and see if i'm on a list. hand guns are 2 days. I would fully support mental health checks and having firearms licensed that have to be renewed (with mental evaluation) bi-annually or every 4 years. that would make sense to me.
What's the significance of 1961? Sorry if it's already been stated, I haven't been following this thread very closely lately.
Maybe not you, but most liberals that I have debated on the subject will openly declare that ALL guns should be banned. I've not seen any hard poll numbers on the subject, but I'm convinced it's a common point of view.
post #187? It's OK for people to check the vids, pics and links out that I post, it's kinda the idea of taking the time and putting forth the effort to find and post them.
How many "liberals" did you talk to to come to that conclusion? How many of them are knowledgable about political issues or how many have any direct influence on local or state/federal politics? When we start hearing tea party like talk at the state and federal level then I might share your concerns
Judging by what I have experienced, IMHO: liberals I've met: conservatives I've met: The truth, is in the middle somewhere. case in point: any real sollution will not be found in the extreems. and any real sollution needs to consider things like this:
Blaming firearms is assinine. It doesn't do anything other than reduce the right to defend oneself from civil, foriegn as well as domestic threats. What is going to be done about this method of crazies offing other people?: Death/id-f124a9a6ca6941628168dd25e269e986 When firearms are no longer the issue, are the government and easily swayed/gulible citizens going to make any sort of fuss over things like this? I'm just wondering when we'll all have to live in an impermiable bubble to save us all from ourselves.