He talks about how the people behind the mosque being proposed are extremists. I can't believe it is being approved if that is true. Not gonna win over many Americans with this move. If it was by regular Muslims I would have no problem with it.
muslims vs christians. round ONE FIGHT!! these religious nutjobs will get their "holy war". little things like this will just pile up until shit hits the fan does anyone have a map of where this would be located? how far from the wtc would it be? everyone acts like a mosque is being built RIGHT on TOP of the wtc location.
Here's my question, what is the stated motivation of those that wish to build this mosque? I mean, they have to know it's a sensitive issue, why do they want this build at ground zero in the first place?
I guess political correctness applies to everyone but America. Fuck everyone else. We need to do what's right for us. Let them build it, we need the demolition practice.
Islam didn't attack the US. A group that is comparable to the KKK in Christianity did. It's a mosque/Muslim information center and it isn't in ground zero. People in the US need to realize that there are nearly 10 million Muslims in the country now and they are becoming more visible as a group these days. They are building it near ground zero to educate people who believe that Muslims hate America and they were all delighted about 9/11. Most Muslims here in the United States came because they have more freedom to practice their religion here in the US than they do anywhere else in the world. They love it here and want to protect it.
Not really, no. Christians more than any other religion try and recruit more members. The Qur'an teaches its members to respect other religions and people who don't believe. They don't kill them for not being Muslim like most people think. At the time when some of Hadiths which proclaim to kill non-Muslims were written, Islam was under attack by the Jews and Christians in what is now Iraq. It came about for survival purposes. The Sunni's, who represent more than 90% of all the 1billion+ Muslims in the world, don't even acknowledge things like killing apostates and deserters. Islam is actually a religion of peace. It's just going through some extreme opposition from the Christian's and feels backed into a corner which causes the extremists to fight back.
I don't care about religion in the slightest, really, fuck religion. But that being said I support the constitution and the freedom of religion so I say, let anyone build whatever the fuck they want wherever they want.
Interesting, i am surprise only one person so far seeing this rationally. Personally i am fine with the whole issue. However i do have security concerns, which i think easily be fixed. Full Hi-Def cams around the area with direct feed in to DHS. Constantly running facial recognition against our data base. Disregarding outstanding warrants and unpaid parking crap or other meaning less problems. Only making sure they are not terrorist or any one associated with that. Since good Muslims who claims they have good intentions and want to be part of our productive society, they have nothing to fear at all. Not to mention the whole thing can be run covertly with ease. Something that i find funny, within few block radius of Ground Zero there are probably 4 Adult clubs. Any one who ever gone to Muslim prayers after there prayer is done, they pray in general for the people who died around the world, for every one. They pray specifically for people who are ill and things along that line. Dont think Adult Clubs do that, yet... General public need to be educated so they can separate one issue from other. People are either too emotional or too ignorant.
Of course all Muslims aren't extremists. I'm just saying that it's unpopular to build the mosque there and it's a PR fiasco for them. Just not smart tactics if what they're really after is education and understanding.
Why aren't these 10 million Muslims all over the news outlets yelling about how their religion is being taken over by radicals and how they love The U.S.? It's close enough to ground zero and the timing is just right to rub every infidels nose in it. It's certainly the wrong move for any moderate Muslim to make if they're trying to win hearts and minds. It's simply not logical.
I don't think the facial recog software is fast enough yet to where if you take a persons pic, try to compare it to a database, and then still have time to apprehend them before they walk or drive away. Maybe in the movies. Also if you're ok with that then you should be ok with Arizona Police asking people that look Mexican if they're here legally.
DAMN, so now you want to invite muslim extremists into our country waving their little flags of "we won", because like tac said this is what its going to do. INSTIGATE. NEXT, you want BIG BROTHER to ante up by putting facial recognition on every corner, speeding up the very thing we're trying to stop... AND, youre against adult clubs... really? colemans not speaking rationally, hes speaking naive, and he'll be eating his words when "shit hits the fan" and we will then be thanking him and people like him for allowing such bullshit to happen. Lets get something straight here, mr rational. Their extremists are FAR MORE physically dangerous than any christian extremist ive met or seen. Those people are the trash of the earth and this will invite them in to carry on their "agenda". I dont underestimate a human being, but right now, as it stands their extremists would kick the shit out of the christian picketing, numbskulls. "OOOooo!! You fight with big words like FAG and HELL, while we fight with BIG BOMBS" Might i remind you, these are the same people that threatened to kill the south park people over those muhommad jokes. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/arts/television/23park.html no telling how much money was circumvented under the table and lives were threatened to put this building in place.. the earth needs to clense these religious nutjobs before they kill us all. im usually not on MSP or Tac's political side, but i'll have to agree with them on this. Everyone has a right to build their little religious worship temples wherever they choose, but sometimes its done, obviously, on purpose to instigate what could be a big downfall in america.
I wouldnt worry about time. Prayers take time. However DHS deploy very quickly specially when it comes to NY, and the recognition software at DHS and FBI special task force department are very efficient. Not to mention once the system tag any one. Then the rest isn't much of a problem. Hardest part of any operation is tagging. Bagging is the easiest, especially when you are working in your own turf. As for Arizona issue. I am against it. For one i am more concern with foreign unfriendly military level issue. Few Mexican trying to work so they can support there family isn't some thing i consider a threat. And i definitely don't like cops doing any thing more then writing tickets and solving real crimes. Among many more reason, however this thread is not about Arizona petty issue.
Because that doesn't make for good news. Shortly after 9/11 , Muslims got together and did a documentary to get rid of the stereotypes but only PBS aired it. Ask any Muslim that immigrated here and they will tell you how much better it is than where they came from. Legacy of a Prophet http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=lega...aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=97efa91857cb74f0 Torx: How about you set aside your blind hatred for religion and actually approach the situation objectively for once?
well coleman, its kinda hard to put aside when so much negativity follows any one form of religion. Catholicism isnt immune from it either. Im sure theyre quite pleased to live in this world of "freedom" (because its a heck of a lot more freedom than over there) and having the luxury to enjoy the finer things of life on a more safer side.. BUT, like i said, their riff raff will migrate here or evolve from within our borders FASTER and more vicious than overseas. Its a fucking TROJAN HORSE!! let a couple more of these "situations" randomly happen, and i guarantee you theres going to be lives taken here soon. the most extreme we have currently, HERE, are the new black panther party and the white civil rights organization and these goons do nothing more than preach in public with signs and hatred. we havent even cured this aging segregated problem!! How the fuck is anyone going to come to grips with a new "supposed attack religious turf war" on america by islam.
Well demonizeZ you're assuming those folks photographed are only going in to pray. Never assume. I still contend that the software isn't that fast yet. Your proposal would also require a small SERT team to be on standby 24/7, not far from the mosque just in case a bad guys face sets off an alarm. Yeah, we'll see how that goes in the press and with The ACLU. Secretly taking their picture and comparing it to a database of possible unfriendlys is no different than the Arizona issue. If you think the problem there is merely a small amount of illegals crossing just to work then you are very misinformed on the issue. Arizona was fine being a border state until violent crime started to skyrocket. It's not a petty issue. But, we will leave that for another post I guess.
I didn't say anything about extremist. Majority of Muslim community, just want to left alone don't care about waving flag of any sort either. You go down Jackson Height in NY i dont see people jumping with joy now or when we lost towers. I see them working and running around like any average person who is trying to make ends meet. Now off course there are some who probably are happy. As a educated, rational and calm minded person i cant just say they are all evil. Have to take time to differentiate one from the other. Off course its easier for me since i was taught that thanks to Uncle Sam. Actually he is speaking rationally. However your remark isn't for very simple and obvious reason. FEAR. I would be the first one to say Fear is a good thing. It keeps us alert in combat situation or in difficult times. However if you let it influence your rationality all it will do is create division that can lead to bigger problems. As for there aggression toward the drawing, it would be difficult for me to explain why. But if you believed in some thing wholeheartedly and if some thing disrespected that you will be angry too. Its like taking a lady (you love and care for unquestionably) out for dinner and having some one disrespect her in front you. The anger you will feel times that by few 100 and you will understand. Personally i agree with you on religion point. We need to some how eradicate ALL religion. However i dont let that feeling make me ignorant. I see people or group as what they are and what they represent. Not what i believe. Cant find peaceful solutions for problems, if we look at our differences, only way to solve problems is to look at the commonality and working from there.
Nahh i am not assuming. People with questionable background really like being in crowd of there own, and once some one is tag its easy to pick them even if it isn't right away. Also if FBI is dealing with it, chances are they will not pick up the person, there SOP suggest to follow and acquire deeper level intel. SERT mostly likely will not be needed and they are too dam flashy. They will stick out way too easily in NY no matter how covert they try to be. One thing you probably know by now is when it comes to DHS, they dont really care what ACLU or public think or say. They do what they need to do. Like every thing it will be an issue for few week till next big thing hit the presses. Since only news people really hear are the news that make BIG splashes.