Pre Halo 3 Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by GRP, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. GRP

    GRP oh snap

    Trophy Points:
    Fort Myers, FL
    I've had my stupid Legendary Edition reserved since April, and am going to pick it up at midnight the night it comes out (the 25th, nine days from now). Me and a few friends are gonna co-op it up, and then see how everything else works on it.

    I know there a few fans on the boards (and one or two haters); are you guys going to wait for it or get it right away? Are you excited or no?

    Halo haters: Yes, the people who play on Xbox live are a bunch of shitforbrains, but f I avoided shitting up your WoW threads, you can not shit up my Halo thread.
  2. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Great justification :)

    Lol, Halo.
  3. namelessentity

    namelessentity Resident Cynic

    Trophy Points:
    Napa, CA
    I never liked Halo. All my friends recently sold their 360's for PS3's (they seem to think the PS3 library is better...) so I wouldn't have anyone to play with anyway.
  4. XEN

    XEN E Pluribus Funk

    Trophy Points:
    I played the beta, it wasn't anything special, Hl2:Ep2 is what I'm waiting for.
  5. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    I'll put it this way:

    If the game winds up being good, it won't "define" the franchise.

    Halo 1 was not good. It was the first FPS on a console that introduced console gamers to that aspect of gameplay, and people ate it up. It wasn't the first FPS in history, and it certainly wasn't the greatest. Extremely linear gameplay, and if I wanted to I could probably count the amount of textures total they used in that game. I'll estimate ~10. Some multiplayer maps were good, though.

    Halo 2 was a roaring piece of shit. Same thing as Halo 1, with dual-wield weapons and "physics". I don't really need to get into this one as Halo fans hated it, but admitted they loved it (see "Star Wars Episode 1 fans").

    Halo 3 is the first in the franchise to be able to pull off something that's current, with current technology and gameplay. We don't really have anything on PC that will overshadow Halo 3 or be able to compare it to, besides being a run-and-gun linear shooter. We'll see how it goes.

    I'm not trying to put down the franchise itself, I just think fans of Halo are and were always missing out on something better and more fun while they were bragging about the game. It would be like someone going apeshit over a Ford Model T while you were driving a Lambo. You almost feel sorry for them.
  6. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

    Trophy Points:
    Im not a hardcore halo fan, im a casual gamer halo fan.
    I thoroughly enjoy the campaigns of both 1 and 2.
    I REALLY enjoy 2 player co-op against the computer on both 1 and 2.
    Never cared for online play against other people.

    With that said, i got my limited edition copy on reserve for 12am, got my vacation day reserved just for that. Cant fucking wait to see how the story line pans out.
  7. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
    Alright you Halo nerds. It's time for some movies.

    Right-click and save as.


  8. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
  9. Bear

    Bear Hoot!

    Trophy Points:
    Miami, FL
    Not excited at all. I took my pre-order money from Halo 3 and put it towards Skate. - I had preorder H3 months and months ago when it was announced. Spur of the moment pre-order.
  10. Alex B

    Alex B Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    Los Angeles
    I downloaded a cracked version of Halo 2 that will run on XP. I was not impressed at all. The 70 degree FOV was annoying as hell and a cheap ass way for bungie to gain a few measly frames per second. Halo 1 on PC was MUCH better.

    I beg to differ. I think Bioshock and especially Crysis are two very competent FPS's that can definitely stack up to Halo 3.
  11. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Sorry, I meant PC-exclusive titles. I know Crysis is.

    I just meant in the past, there was so much more available for PC that was SOOO much better than Halo 1-2, yet all the Halo fans were going gaa-gaa over it.

    For example, Halo 2 was out at the same time as Half-Life 2 (PC only at the time).

    Like I said though, Halo 3 could blow the whole FPS-genre out of the water. I never even played the beta so I know nothing about gameplay or graphics. We'll have to see.
  12. j0k3r

    j0k3r El Chupacabra

    Trophy Points:
    Here, here, Halo blows. It's not even a good FPS, it's very average. Console gamers are FPS n00bs for the most part and they don't know what they are missing out on.

    Bungie should license a real engine and they might be able to make it worth something.
  13. namelessentity

    namelessentity Resident Cynic

    Trophy Points:
    Napa, CA
    Seriously, especially with the UT3 engine being so popular. Also, street dates are so retarded. The game is printed and ready, just fucking sell it and stop making fanbois cream their pants at screenshots and digg stories about some kid who claims he got an early version. If it's at a store it should be for sale, not sitting in some back room with a "do not sell until" sticker.
  14. Torx

    Torx Indigenous Nudist

    Trophy Points:
    well unfortunately nameless, its all part of marketing 101.
    the time between final print and sale is the crucial time to increase interest for the game, (hence all the movies, media spotlights, and fanbois getting early copies) this time alone can mean 500k extra copies sold or 500k stockpiled.

    I wouldn't be surprised if these early "receivers" are paid off by Microsoft/Bungie to help boost sales and interest.
  15. GRP

    GRP oh snap

    Trophy Points:
    Fort Myers, FL
    Half Life 2 was easily the most boring FPS I've ever played. Hey look, PHYSICS! PHYSICS! I'd rather play Wolfenstein 3d. Wait, Wolfenstein was (is) awesome.

    The only thing that bugs me about the series is the online audience. Even if you say "Hey man, that was a nice shot!" someone will be like "SHUT THE FUCK UP U SUCK!" (Also, Halo 2's single player ate balls and the multiplayer felt... too gimmicky.)

    I'll agree with your points that there were better PC shooters. For sure. Hell, I still want a mouse and QWERTY.

    Regardless, I've read a whole lot of new things they're going to do with Halo 3, and it's got me very excited. Especially for single player, with 4 players online co-op.


    I used to be a PC gaming elitist, and to be honest if something is available on PC and 360, I'll still grab the PC version (if my computer can run it). But you guys are totally discrediting something that is nowehere near as bad as you're saying. The one thing that Halo and Halo 2 do better than any shooter I've ever played is how it makes you feel like you're important. You feel a bit like a superhero and with the plot progression... it's neat.

    It's also extremely well polished. Man, there's gotta be someone here who likes Halo besides me and... Juballharshaw?!?!
  16. jake

    jake Vagabond

    Trophy Points:
    Calgary, AB
    Im not a fan either. But I know a few die hards who booked time off work like Torx. I own a 360 but rarely play any fps on it. Thats what PC's are for.
  17. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
    Hey, I'm not really that excited, I just thought the videos were kind of cool.
  18. MaesterB

    MaesterB King of the Wicker People

    Trophy Points:
    Regina, Sask, why'd you ask?
    Meh. Played Halo for XBox, bought it for PC (hoping it would be better). Obviously not.

    Saw Halo 2 on XBox and laughed.

    Halo's a joke.

    The graphics have always been lame and will continue to be lame, the gameplay mechanics were done with Duke Nukem 3D (and Duke Nukem 3D is still a better game), and it's one of the most scripted game series I've ever ever seen. of those things that I could care less about.

    And as for had it's moment in the spotlight for me. It's so old, dated, and boring now that Wow is just MeH now. :)
  19. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    Word, I can agree there. Rumor has it they're trying to revamp the engine with DX10 support. I don't understand the point, but whatev.
  20. Stevv

    Stevv New Member

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    I think Halo is altogether a different FPS experience. As far as consoles go, its pretty top notch. The gameplay mechanics are simple but polished, there are 3 facets to it, grenades, main waepon, and melee attacks. Together it creates a pretty good experience that is less twitch than most other FPS's.
    Of course its not going to compare to any keyboard and mouse super tactical experience, but i dont think thats the point.

    Oh and Xbox Live is one of the best multiplayer experiences out there. Sure 13 year olds can get lame but I challenge you to find an easier way to get together with your friends and just rape the shit out of some pubbers. 4 player coop is awesome and with forge and the new flexible rules system, there are sure to be a lot going on with new and original content.

    Oh, and I guess im somewhat of a fanboy but I dont even have a 360 so I wont even be playing it ahah.
  21. namelessentity

    namelessentity Resident Cynic

    Trophy Points:
    Napa, CA
    Uh, you might not like HL2 but it does the same thing. Everyone you meet practically wants to blow you because you're so famous. I seriously can't understand why you would think HL2 was a boring FPS but Halo was interesting.
  22. chapel

    chapel Jolly Bolly Fo-Folly Staff Member

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    It is interesting how a pro Halo 3 thread turns into a hate thread. Maybe its because there are a lot of PC elitists on here. Maybe you should get off your high horse and enjoy games for themselves and not care what platform they are on.

    I really enjoy Halo, for the story, for the gameplay, for the fun that I have playing it with friends. I don't think its the best fps, sure as hell isn't the best game ever, but that doesn't mean its crap. I can understand not liking it after playing it, but if you haven't played it and only don't like it because its on a console or this or that, then go be a troll somewhere else.

    Halo 3 looks to be one of the better games of 2007 and of this "next generation." I think it will be a great game, it will be fun to play, and I plan on playing it more than any other game. That has to say something.
  23. smirnoff

    smirnoff Curmudgeon

    Trophy Points:
    Winnipeg, MB
    I've never played halo 1 or 2 online and the 3rd will be no different. I'll only play a console fps for the co-op campaign on the hardest difficulty. There is just something more fun about being able to sit there with a real person and use a little team work to get things done. R6:Vagas, GoW and Perfect Dark (zero?) were great that way. I haven't played a single player campaign since golden eye, it's just god damn boring. If I'm gunna play online it has to be mouse and keyboard, but I've yet to play anything better than TFC so it's been a while.
  24. Hubcap

    Hubcap Holla

    Trophy Points:
    i didnt reserve a copy but i will head to walmart at 12am to pick up a copy.

    My buddy just said he got a demo of COD 4, and said its bad ass. Im looking forward to that more then I am for Halo 3.
  25. Chris

    Chris Raptor Jesus

    Trophy Points:
    New Jersey
    I've stated the reason I don't like the Halo franchise. It's not because I'm an "elitest" whatsoever, and it's certainly not because I'm trolling, it's because there were so many better games that deserved far more attention around the time both games were released.

    IN MY OPINION, Halo is a mediocre game with mediocre gameplay and graphics, and if I can't express how I feel about a game without being told to go elsewhere, than what's the point of a discussion forum? We're not all here to agree and stroke others' e-peens. I'm not disrespecting anyone and I've even said that Halo 3 has potential to be good.