Damn Ali, that emote is vulgar lol... succubus: I'm all yours. Ali tried to take advantage of me once but I won't have anything of it
Damn, that's some awesome progress. What are the before/after weights, if you don't mind me asking? Also, does T3X still have a channel? haha
Actually they do, I think it's on Gameradius. Before was around 280 and now I think I'm near 170. I'd have to check a scale
Here's me on suspension bridge in Costa Rica. You can't see how high it really is in the picture. And when I'm not roughing it, with a haircut and a shave
whoa. somebody didnt like you very much. stripped it, and broke out the windows.. made sure you werent gonna "bounce back"
Actually, I smucked it into a pole while I was napping and slagged it back home to strip and sell everything I could.
Hah. It was really bad back a few months ago when gas was pushing $4. People just left their shit on the interstate.