Everyone is getting a free month of PSN+ along with a few free downloads. Sony is also offering free credit monitoring services for a year.
About damn time! I'd love to see the Xbox 360 sales number for last month. I bet there was a noticeable spike.
I barely play my PS3, and when I do it's not anything online. I'm kinda happy since I'm getting 2 free games and a movie rental from something that didn't even affect me.
I'm basically buying one to use as a Blu Ray player, media player, and maybe some games. Grand Turismo 5 in particular seems to be something I would enjoy.
I originally bought a PS3 for media playback from the PC and bluray playback. THEN, for my trip with the family, I bought a WDTV Live box to work in the vehicle, and I tested it out before hand...worked a hell of a slicker than the PS3 Media Server software (far less tinkering!). So the PS3 has mostly been just strict DVD playback and games now (mostly MK and MvsC3).
Yeah, I'll definitely be keeping my WDTV. I really just need a Blu Ray player that will support 3D and figured I might as well just buy the damn PS3 already. I've already got an LG 270 and 390 and both work fine for standard Blu Ray.
hacked again, twice in one day, a server turned into a phishing scam for italian credit agency. looks like its going to continue.
Perhaps Sony will be forced to permanently shut down the PSN and come out with a new firmware that allows the PS3 to be used without being tied to it.
I believe some companies thought they could just put massive amounts of sensitive information in the cloud and absolutely nothing would happen. They're finally learning their lesson. Cloud computing will get better... eventually. That doesn't mean hackers are gonna stop, though, and we'll probably never be 100% comfortable with having our stuff floating around. Still, whaddya gonna do?
This could be what it takes to wake some cloud devs up. The hits just keep on coming: http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_new...reek-sony-music-site-hacked-user-data-exposed
I'll just leave this here... http://i.massively.joystiq.com/2011/05/23/sony-loses-3-2b-spends-170m-in-response-to-hacker-attacks/
Even more fun stuff for sony. http://www.computerworld.com/s/arti...000_records_from_Canadian_site?taxonomyId=140
Remember when Sony was THE consumer electronics brand? Cracks started to form by the end of the 1990s. They were embracing their own proprietary music format, optical disc based music players, hung onto CRT based rear projection a bit too long... LG, Samsung, Apple, and others swooped in and ate their lunch. Now I consider them for consumer electronics purchases, but they aren't even in the top four for most things. And I'm definitely not willing to pay a premium for them, like I was in 1995.
Also, even more distressing news with network infiltration: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43230826/ns/technology_and_science-security/
thats enough scaremongering to put a lockdown on the internet, and shut us off from the rest of the world. theres been alot of data breaches lately with diff companies including military defense corps across the globe. crazy, i wonder whos behind it all
Google blames the Chinese: http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_new...google-some-prominent-gmail-accounts-hijacked-