That's just the credit cards.
As the article states, all those networks, like Steam, D2D, Impulse, and Live, are vulnerable. I've been surprised that the Steam network has maintained it's integrity for so long, especially considering the original Half Life 2 Source Code breach at Valve headquarters all that time ago.
Except none of those networks pissed off a portion of their user base by reducing features that were advertised from launch.
I think it is really going to hurt their gaming department, especially when Nintendo's next platform launches but definately won't bring down the Sony juggernaut.
Sony has dropped the ball far too many times with the PS3. They got rid of PS2 BC, stopped supporting Linux, haven't updated the browser, haven't added XGC, and now they let the PSN get breached? I'm seriously disappointed. It's unbelievable that the same company that produced arguably the best console of all time, the PS2, has fucked things up this bad. The PS3 will probably be my last Sony console.
big deal, the ps3's lineup of exclusive games makes the ps3 worth owning in my opinion, gt5, god of war 3, mgs4, uncharted 1 and 2, demon's souls, 3d dot game heroes, infamous, killzone series, littlebigplanet series, and yakuza make the system worth it, at least for me. not to mention psn might not be as good as xboxlive but paying 10 bucks for games like xenogears, metal gear solid, final fantasy 7, vagrant story, or parasite eve, games that go for much more nowadays are easily downloadable and you can also put em on your psp so you can play em on the go
i still plan on getting a ps3 for the exclusives. but i will say, that using your credit card online ANYWHERE is a risk. but sony couldve prevented all this if they had shut the fuck up and let geohot off.. instead they pursued him, and made alot of enemies on the internet.. and everyone (except sony obviously) knows that you DONT PISS OFF THE INTERNETS. sonys gotten so much bad publicity, they deserve it! everything is their fault, from the removing of features to poor console security, all the way to poor customer security. They deserve to get beaten like a dead horse. i hate that japan is getting all the shit lately, but sony is just a fucking drm scamjob in the bed with the riaa/mpaa. FUCK EM.
Actually, isn't Sony PART of the RIAA and MPAA, since Sony Entertainment is one of their members? It's hard to accuse them of being in bed with themselves... Anyhow, Sony has always been a bit on the Control Freak side, trying to lock folks in to a proprietary format at every turn, all the way from Betamax to Blu Ray. If they had any sense, they wouldn't have forced Steam to go through PSN as a "portal" (laffs) to those PS3 machines out there. In fact, if I were them, I'd ditch PSN entirely, and contract out to Valve! That would be... interesting...
i thought they were two completely different, separate, entities that support each other? not one created the other? MOTHERFUCKER, YOU WANNA DEBATE AND ARGUE? COME AT ME BRO LOL
CHAAAAAAAARRRRGE!!!!!!!! *Goofus swings verbal fist of Debatal Beatdown!* :madslap: In addition to Sony Music Entertainment being a member of RIAA BAM!, Sony Music executives are even on the RIAA Board of Directors. POW! :bigsmile:
This is getting silly now....
Check out this shit, I got a warning email from them! I haven't owned one of their consoles since the PS1. Maybe I registered a receiver or TV online at some point? So if you've EVER done business with Sony I guess you should worry about your personal information.
yea, theyre attacking every sony online service and grabbing every known associated customer's information.
My PS3 buddy just told me, the Sony game network is still down?!? Holy fuck, I bet Xbox sales are through the roof.
Yeah, they predicted it would be down through the end of this month. I still think it's funny that they're only giving out a month of free PSN access.
How do you mean free PSN access? There is no fee to go onto PSN. I've heard you will be getting 2 free games.