What a milestone for a kid that has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He shouldn't have made it past 16-19 without major complications. He still plays XBox, PS-3 and his his PC with some limits that really frustrate him but he's not like some others that can barely move. For his Birthday I got him the new COD for Xbox, ICO for PS3, The new Assassins Creed for PS3 and Some Breaking Bad DVD's. He has almost everything else and he's waiting for Batman for the PC. I'm just thankful he can still play.
I'm sorry that your son is limited, but really glad he's a fighter and has made it a quarter century. You sound like a pretty decent dad KUDOS to you!
Im glad for both of y'all that he's still doing well. Im sure you'll have many many more happy years together. Here's wishing him a happy birthday
He's a major gamer Smirnoff. Right now at this second he's playing the new Assassins Creed, he also got the New COD but he's prefers Battlefield. He also got the new Elder Scrolls and the HD ICO for PS3. Kind of a gamer.
Thanks for all the kind words. I know I'm not popular on here because of my views but thanks all the same. I showed him this page earlier and he was touched by your words.
We may not all share the same views and get in heated arguments sometimes but tweak is still a (dysfunctional) family I hope silly political arguments never change that. Also, prefers bf3 to COD? You raised him right! Lol
as the tweak logo says.. "nothing here should be taken seriously" but testaments of overcoming srs lifestyle restrictions is serious bizness.