Don't know if there's a thread for this already. Comes out in a few weeks. I was a big fan of the first and although this is right after the first game(364 days later) it has huge improvements in the gameplay and looks awesome. YouTube - Left 4 Dead 2 New Gameplay Footage - The Swamp, Shantytown, and Car Alarms IGN: Left 4 Dead 2 Preview
Meh, I'll get it if enough people I know are playing it. L4D was great but it loses its replay value fast when you don't have buddies to play with, at least for me. I don't like pubbing with rage quitters.
I believe if you pre-order on Steam, you're able to download the demo now and have it unlocked upon its release.
I kinda got burnt out of L4D actually, my daughter and I played it to death. Assuming the reviews are good I'll pick up this new one, but not until it's in the bargain bin.
I played the first one to death too but this one melee weapons, vastly improved AI, free roaming maps, and everytime you play its different according to reviews.
If they can make it exploit/repetition free, I'll be sold for day 1. Give it a week or two after release, and you'll have people telling you where to stand and crouch. There's just no fun in standing still and racking up time.
That's what they tried to fix, the zombies and AI work with how well you do, if you stand in one place and camp you'll be overwhelmed, you have to keep moving. Plus levels aren't the same twice depending on how fast you move they set up obstacles making you go all the way around the map to get to the checkpoint.
Just got off the demo, and it's awesome! You get 2 levels of the Parish campaign. All the new SI are present, as are most of the guns and melee weapons. There's a pretty cool crescendo on the second level where you enter a quarantined area and set alarms off, and you need to make it up a tower to turn it off while having a massive horde on your case. It's pretty easy to make it in front of the horde but as the area works in a spiral the zombies can jump over the fence and cut you off. Pretty cool stuff!
No idea. I rang my local Game shop this morning and asked nicely if I could nick a couple of demo codes. They said they had like 100 left and they weren't going anywhere anytime soon so I got 2 I think how it's supposed to go is you preorder it and you get the demo and baseball bat codes there and then.
Just finished with the demo on PC. I think there's enough new stuff to warrant a purchase. Especially with the 4 pack sale going on now ($34 or so per copy), it's not that expensive either. I was a big fan of campaign mode in the first one, so with enough new campaigns and them being longer / different paths, couple of new special infected, better AI and hopefully some glitches removed (like the lift in No Mercy), I think this will be worth the money.
dammit, I just got borderlands, and I'm too busy being pissed about l4d1 to buy this one :\ jamsan, are you and catfish going in for the 4 pack? if so, I'll go in too. We can get some games in like the olden days. (also 1.13 patch will be out sometime this year....I hope)
We already went in on a 4 pack :\ - sorry. We were trying to get a hold if you last night, but you were nowhere to be found.
I just realized there's a new campaign for L4D and that there's customized ones now too. Wow have I been out of it. This should hold me over til 2 comes out.
It's alot of fun(the demo) I love the melee weapons and it just seems like a completely more realistic game. Go download it for yourself.
OMG this game is the shit It dropped last night, I immediately jumped on it and managed to finish 2 campaigns before I fell asleep on my 360 pad - Dead Centre and Dark Carnival. I was playing on normal, and the SI are alot more frequent than they were in the original. Seems to be a Smoker, Jockey or Boomer every 50ft. Chargers seem quite rare though. The new melee's I had a play with were the crowbar, katana, cricket bat (which Ellis callls a paddle, kinky fucker) and chainsaw (very messy) as well as the guitar from the demo. All of the crescendo's seem to be different. For example, first one for Dead Centre has you running from a gun shop to a supermarket for a 6 pack of cola's so the gun shop owner will blast a path for you. How long the cresendo lasts is dependant on how fast you move. On the finale you gotta find 10 gas cans to fuel up a stunt car and drive on out of there while being harassed by Tanks. Much fun! I'm loving it so far, and even though I got Saw at the same time, I can't see me coming off of L4D2 anytime soon. Just sucks I can't play it online