.........what are some of you going to do? Will you move, claim the world is going to come to a fiery end, call for a recount, come over to the dark side, label all that didn't vote for Obama a moron, be depressed.........just wondering.
I have no doubt the conservatives will stay in power regardless of the votes. After the documented and ignored fraud of the last two US elections I find it hard to believe anyone will do anything if this one is stolen as well.
I'm not a former liberal or socialist so I'm not sure why you're calling me a Neo-Con. A lot of people use that label incorrectly.
If I don't end up joining the Coast Guard, I'll be going abroad to further my studies. Perhaps I'll just disappear.
Obama is making alot of stupid mistakes which shows how inexperienced he really is so I wouldn't be surprised if he lost. IMO it doesn't matter who wins nothing much will change. What will I do if Obama loses? Move to Iraq.
It will be interesting to see the mood around here when he loses, and I'm still convinced he will. I personally don't care either way, but the reality settling in of another gray haired, conservative white guy running this country for four more years will make all of you quite fussy. EDIT: And c'mon Jake, the 2000 election could be debated but 2008 was a slam dunk. No amount of imaginary fraud could explain how badly Kerry lost.
MSP, I think you mean 2004. Unless that crystal ball is working. And ya, 2004 wasn't close but there was a lot of media coverage saying there was voter fraud taking place. I don't imagine there was enough to make up the difference for Kerry to win, but any kind of fraud you would think would be heavily investigated. It still amazes me that Bush was able to stop the recount in 2000. When I first read about it I had to double check the article because I thought it was happening in some small corrupt Asian country.
Either way it will just be another guy taking credit for shit that probably would have happened naturally, and he'll blame all of the shit that goes wrong on the other side/previous president. After all, isn't that what politcs is all about? Blame others and never be accountable unless it makes you look good.
Even if Obama DOES win, conservatives will hold significant power in American politics. If Obama looses, its just another indication of how foolish the voting public really is (like 2000 and 2004)....
If he loses I'll start investing more in big companies and I'll start paying more attention to trends and potential bubble makers. No sense in not taking advantage of other peoples misfortunes.
I didn't know that having a disagreement with someone ideologically automatically catapulted them into the foolishness realm. Can't people just have opposing viewpoints without being characterized for shit's sake?! I get upset and yell sometimes when someone doesn't see things from my point of view so I'm just as guilty. I'll have to work on that.
Lets make a hypothetical example: There are a group of people, voting for two candidates, if you vote for A, he shakes your hand. If you vote for B, he kicks you in the nuts. Somehow, B wins, despite the nut-kicking. I believe choosing to be kicked in the nuts is a foolish idea, so B winning to me indicates foolishness on the part of the voting group. Replace A and B with Obama and McCain, and hand shaking and nut kicking with various policies and there it is.
I understand your analogy. You and I are in agreement as well to an extent. I think either candidate becoming Commander In Chief is a kick in the nuts. However I feel Obama winning is akin to being kicked in the nuts by Chuck Norris whereas Mccain winning is a kick from say.............Jean-Claude Van Damme....................when he was 5.
why do you have to discombobulate such a simple point? you couldve just said obama wins is being kicked in the nuts by norris. mccain winning is not getting kicked in the nuts at all. quit trying to water down mccain. if this man gets into office, you nor i will benefit from anything this man has to offer. your all "american attitude" is the reason why america is in the shit hole now. USA! USA! USA! USA! ppfftt.
Being patriotic isn't a bad thing (it can be, when you're a lunatic). I love this country and think it's the best place in the world to raise a family. Personally, I'd like to live in a tropical paradise and drink alcohol on the beach and sex up exotic women all day.. but that isn't realistic. What is realistic, is being able to live in a lovely mountain town in Virginia and raise a child that goes to some of the best colleges in the world and visit some of the greatest places on Earth right here in the good ol' USA. Sure a lot of things need to be fixed, but stop being such a damn USA hater. I think living in Memphis has messed you up.