I may even skip this game because of the marketing. There are just too many better options out there. I only need HL2 ep2 and portal. Alone, they cost as much as the orange box. i already have everything else except TF2...and that I don't want. If I get it at all, i'll wait a year. 50 bux is way too much for what is essentially an expantion pack. i've heard rumors that HL2 ep3 may be turned into HL3 instead of an episodal instalment.
So, I haven't been following this much, I've just seen the commercial on TV. I'm assuming that Portal is going to bomb just like Ricochet did. Though, TFC2 looks pretty cool IMO.
I don't understand peoples logic. With the orange box you get HL2, ep1, ep2, portal and tf2. Why would you want to just buy ep2 and portal separately when as you said they cost as much as the orange box itself. The main reason for releasing this is ep2, portal and tf2 are just extras and because its been a while since hl2 and ep1 have been released and there are new systems to put them on they decided to rerelease hl2 and ep1 with the box. I could understand waiting till the orange box is cheaper, but to say $50 is too much for what youre getting is wrong, its cheap. I own hl2 and ep1, but if I chose to buy ep2 alone I would be paying at least $20, add on portal thats at least $15, so I am up to $35 by decent logic and tf2 is a steal since it is a finely crafted mp game. I think people don't understand what valve is releasing here, and sadly they wont sell as much as they would hope.
I'll probably do what I did with Eps1. i didn't pick it up until way on down the line. I still haven't even beaten it yet. So, I will wait for all this other stuff.
The redemption is upon us. if you already own ep1 and such, steam is making provisions for you to be able to gift out the ones you already own. I may just have to purchase the orange box now....steam made good.
I didn't know Half Life 2 had a story. If they released TF2 for $20-30 I'd buy it, but HL2 can eat my ass.
im getting it. i havent played ep1 or 2, and i wanna play with portal as well i just hope the graphics are updated with some hdr.
Let me just say, its only been beta. But I'd honestly say i've put more hours into TF2 than i put into the average $50+ game This shit is so good.
Hmm, that's not such a bad deal after all. I want ep1 and ep2 and TFC2; and even though I have HL2, it's still a good deal anyway.
I bought it 2 weeks ago dispite much bitching. FT2 is amazingly fun. Portal looks good and I know i'll play HL2 EP 2 aswell. really for $45 its still a decent deal for TF2 and portal alone, but I think most people bitterness is justified. A) I've allready paid for HL2, twice, and I'll probably have to pay for the rest of it aswell. I miss the days when A company would charge you $50 for a game and you would actaully get the hole thing. EP 1 took me about 8 hours to beat and they charged $20 for it. I loooove this staged system :/ B) I've allready paid for HL2 and EP 1, close to $90 after tax and I don't want it again. Fuck, knock $5 off for all I care, but don't sell me what I've allready paid for, force me to pay for it again then try to tell me its a great deal because i'm getting 5 games. That's bullshit.
Peggle ex-fucking treem? WTF is that doing bundled with the orange box? I don't play the popcap stuff...the wife does, but i don't/won't. EDIT: Downloaded and activated!
Update on gifting. The ep1 is gone......i've got a helluva deal on HL2=free any takers? i have to go and get some groceries and to the bank.....then i'ma coming home and opening "the orange box"!
okay... been playing orange box all day.. pretty entertained and enjoyed right now.. so far im going back through hl2 to remind myself of the storyline.. havent played ep1 or 2, so this should be a good couple of weeks ahead of me.. portal.. MAN, i cant stress enough how cool this game is! the wow factor will wear off after the first 5-6 levels.. but man.. the idea is just phenomenal. My only gripe so far is... I think its only 19 levels.. unless theres more after that... but right now its shaping up be a pretty quick game. hopefully they'll add more levels on the marketplace to download or buy. the graphics on hl2 look pretty damn good for it being a couple years old.. it looks like a high end pc running on your tv.. its what the game is supposed to look like.. so far, no sign of lost coast... something bothers me about the load/save... you cant load any previous autosaves from past levels.. so if you wanna go back and get an achievement on a previous level you have the start the game all over again. So manually save often, unless im overlooking something. 99 achievements!!!!! AA?A?A?A?A??A WTF! crazy.
I just logged into steam and you can buy everything in the Orange Box individually in case people only wanted TF2 or just Portal or w/e.
Im almost done with portal i think. I cant wait for custom maps to start being made. This game was a great idea.