It's more of the same. If you liked San Andreas, you'll like this. If you didn't, you won't. The missions are pretty dry so far, but I've been dicking off so much I think I've only done like 3 of them.
It's ok...I'd much rather play on a pc as driving is a bitch. I've done a few missions/dates and banged two hookers. So far it's blah but I'm sure it'll get better once I start doing more missions.
Picked it up today and the guy told me that he was sold out of 360 versions but only had PS3 versions. I called bullshit to myself since I'm sure the 360 version sold more and he wants to get more ps3 versions sold...whatever. Either way, the install took like 5 minutes or so. The game is amazing. I'm not the hugest GTA fan but I can't help but be addicted. I've only viewed about 15% of the city so far (guesstimating) and there are so many things to see, it's crazy. The targeting system is great, headshots rock. The driving feels a bit slow compared to other GTAs but I'll get used to it. The graphics and framerate are solid, thought the frames can get low in heavy scenes. For gits and shiggles, I walked back into the hospital and started shooting patients. Holed myself up in the waiting area and kept buying sodas for health. Shoot down more cops and take their pistol, shotgun, automatic rifle ammo...rinse and repeat. I have like 600 bullets for the pistol, lol. What a great game...killing cops, so wrong but so fun.
Annoying offset cam Has anyone noticed that the cam when driving a vehicle is always to the left of the car, call me fussy but it bugs me.
Love it. (Period) While driving I use dash cam so its easier to drive. It's just a personal preference, but now that the GFX are upgraded it is really an option where as earlier games looked so awful that doing the dash cam just made you want to puke. We should organize a Tweak3D online session some time, just let me know when you guys are available and we can try and wing it. My gamertag is thechapel, feel free to add me.
I picked up a PS3 yesterday and GTA4. I have only played it on my monitor (low def ) without sound so far, but will have the real sound and projector hooked up later this week. It looks fun.
shit imma be needing that bag here soon, so yea i stuff it all in there as well and im pretty sure its not fireproof initial thoughts about the game.. im so overloaded right now i cant fully express all my thoughts. Just game design details listed. Spoiler - shitty cars smoke, clean cars smoke vapors - potholes and dents in the road actually give the cars feedback in handling and driving characteristics - 3.1%, 1hr into the game, tiddling around in one small section, im like.. holy shit. - radio stations! my gah, i can just sit there and listen all day! the diaglogue is phenomenal (it would be even more amazing if the radio could pull more, future, custom, music and tracks off the internet or rockstars servers..) - humor? its everywhere!! the detail is incredible - running at 720p on a 1080i capable tv doesnt look the best, but it doesnt look great either. imma check the game out on 1080i and see if theres a difference. - the streets are alive, real, undeniably interactive. - cops chasing criminals around, people talking on their cells, fire hydrants spray water when ran over!! hoods fly off when damaged.. - waves are present in the ocean water far off land, this is something alot of games dont have. my only complaint so far is the camera when driving, and default control of running/jumping is awkward to me.
I just shoot pedestrians in the head and run from cops. It never gets old. I wish I could screencap some of my deaths and stunts, hilarious!
You like the driving? If I barely press on the gas I'm fishtailing all over the place Hideous...the load times on the 360 aren't bad, except for the start of the game where it seems to take forever.
Pretty good on my PS3, no noticeable slow downs at all in game when driving\walking about (pretty good considering how much detail it has to load and display as your driving top speed though the city.), and only rather short "loading" screens when going into a mission. Online death-match is pretty cool, only played that for a little bit though.
I like that idea. I don't do a ton of multiplayer on the 360 but a tweak3d group would be fun. I'll probably be on sunday mostly...tomorrow I'll be on but have a poker tourney to catch so I wouldn't be useful after 4pm EST
I've gotten the hang of driving, basically, don't fucking floor it right up until you need to turn. It's not really that hard. That said, it'd be nice if the missions had a wee bit more variety. I've done like 15 now, and 13 of those were "pick up ____, take him/her ____." Also, I can't find a single radio station I like. The commercials are hilarious, but the music on them are all fucking ass awful. Everytime I hear one decent song there'll be shit on right after it.
ive gotten the hang of driving but panning the camera around to line up with me going forward is still annoying. fuck! people throw trash out of their cars! cockroaches on the floors?!??
On 360 there's probably a 45 second start up load time and then all other loads (when you load from another file or use a taxi to insta-transport across the city) are 4-8 seconds. Not bad at all; thiws game is really, really technically impressive on top of how much fun it is.
I'm so side-tracked with just roaming around and doing shit, that I haven't played the main story that much. There's just so much to see!
i am 18.3% complete all i have to say is this game is friggin sweet, any body else run into the mini missions, there marked on the screen by a little colored triangle? the crack head guy, badboy? any body else complete these? they are easy and fun, you get some more cash from them