ps vita price $250 is a very good deal imo. this is like some crazy apocalypse now shit, really creepy. [video=youtube;3nXjcMlX8oE][/video]
BF3 looks phenomenal and I'm in love with Modern Warfare 3 but, my son says it looks the same as the last one.
I wondering if the success of the Kindle (priced dirt cheap as it is but rocking the content sales) is encouraging game companies to cut the margins on devices.
Possibly.. I mean vita at 250 seems like a steal. I think the original PSP launched at the same price but the vita blows it away tech wise. Seeing more Wii U gives me hope. I just hope the controller doesn't have to be right next to the base station for an image. I hear no GameCube support anymore either which sucks as I've been collecting them.
Well, if the new system has the balls to run games with same graphics,they got my money. Because I think the pad would be pretty neat for afew games Like the Zelda game they teased in the demo"that was playable on the floor, it was more like control the camera and stuff. but all in game stuff and it's very nice." Oh and IBM said they made multicore cpu that is based on same technology as winston Jeopardy computer."kinda cool."
Just the fact that it's compatible with all the Wii stuff i have now, PLUS I'm sure it will link to my Nintendo ID or whatever it is, so I'm thinking all the virtual console stuff should work too. I'm already planning where to put it. But the BIG question: multiple Wii U controller screens?? I mean, if you're playing a game like say Ghost Recon, it could show you an overhead map on the big screen and you could use the Wii U screen on one of those zapper deals...everyone would have their own view of what they're looking at. Think it would be neat IF it's supported.
[video=youtube;96te6h3Y6cQ][/video] Ok this looks fucking nice. Tech demo but still.
i dont understand why everyones building up a hype and want for this. it looks completely useless. its a controller, with a screen, that allows for touch screen options its like nintendo turned your tv and this controller into a nintendo ds. its stupid. unless its running android, or will be hacked to play nintendo games on without the console.. its gonna be pointless to me. would make a great RC controller though. imagine the possibilities. controlling an RC car/plane with a camera on it?? awesome.
I don't know if you guys that played Modern Warfare 2 played on the console or PC but, my son played it on PC. He's not too excited about MW3 because MW2 didn't have dedicated servers. It was a hackers heaven and if 3 for the PC is going to be the same way, he won't be getting it. Even if single player is awesome.
I played on PC. Yes, hacks were everywhere (esp the HFT multi-hack). Don't know anything about what they are planning on the MP side of MW3 yet. Dedicated servers would be good but an overall security revamp is needed.
Apparently Nintendo didn't use their own system to show off its graphics.
Welcome to the Wii part deux. Everyone will rush out and buy one but in 2 months they will be collecting dust. *yawn*
Not a big deal really. These trailers cost money to put together and its kind of a waste to make one for each platform if the final game is going to look 99% similar.
This story and especially this line pisses me off: What idiots, this is normal and done all the time. I remember that it was either the ps3 or xbox 360 being demoed on a couple powermac g5's or something before it was released.
Almost forgot to post about this but for the few of you that picked up the 3DS there was a system update a few days back. They added the games marketplace as well as a few freebies like a web browser and excitebike. You can also find videos of the games from the Nintendo conference. You can watch all the 3DS trailers in 3D of course.
I was unable to watch the video because I'm on my cell, I figured you guys would sort it out. Glad to know its nothing serious. Hmm a new WiiU only game. reminds me of that crazy 80s movie Critters. I like it.
I don't know, their talking about how some other new ways today it can work. I'm gonna hold my judgement for now. reguardless alot of people hated the Wii, But I still had fun with it."and thanks to Mods" it's a very cheap form of entertainment. Ok now we are talking!