FUCK YES!!! farcry 3!!! looks like south america or in cuba somewhere. FUCCCCKKKKSSSSS YESSSS!! totally surprised me, didnt think they had anything ready to show
If he gets a kinect he can pretend to be Shepard! I hope Sony shows off some NEW ips but probably not. Probably just going to be sequels to the usual suspects but we will find out soon.
lmao!! i just caught that, everyone booed then laughed.. he tilted his head like "okay thats immature", i lol'd
I thought the split screen 3D display technology was pretty cool. Not sure about the price. Kinda hefty for a 24" display.
[video=youtube;9UwOrl036_A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UwOrl036_A&feature=player_embedded[/video] BF3 looks insane.
let me know when the wiiu gets hacked THEN i'll buy one. bunch of bullshit. heres the new xbox wireless wheel for racing. looks pretty neat, but seems to lack hardcore racing controls.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/majornelson/sets/72157626896127512/
Can't believe I woke up before noon for that. So Nintendo showed like 1 new game for 3DS, Nothing for Wii at all basically and a bunch of third party ports for the Wii U. No first party Wii U games really? No Mario in HD?
That A-10 strike at 5:14 was SWEEEEET! As was the B-1 strike. I hope those elements are part of multiplayer.
My interest on the Wii U is perked. So obviously you have a new console powering all of this, which is really cool. What are the specs???? I see the potential of it but my basement is crowded enough with all the crap I have bought and want to buy.