Starts tomorrow! Anyone going to stream the conferences? Monday is MS and Sony Tues. is Nintendo Looking forward to seeing the "cafe" from Nintendo and upcoming 3DS games. I hope MS brings it this year with kinect but who knows. Sony should have a few good exclusives and the new PSP should have a bunch of playable titles on the floor.
my wishlist. farcry 3 gta 5 doom 4 bf3 a new sim theme park game a hint or tease of hl3/ep3 (i doubt it) more kinect games!!! new quake game wolfenstein serious sam rage halo 4 star wars kinect mass effect 3 more pc exclusive games other than rts/mmorpgs
ive been dreaming and wanting the hd remake.. just looking up at that halo sky and daydreaming about life on other planets.. thats a good feeling.
I'm just interested to see what nintendo has to show for the wii replacement. Should be good. As for the next half-life...Valve already said that they don't have anything to show for that.
360 presentation blew chunks. bunch of kids games, selling their stupid couch media watching crap, and stupid kinect games. what a waste of my time. sony is gonna have the winning e3 i bet, why? they have to make up for all the negative press from this earlier year. all the good games are on teh demo floor anyways. I know EXACTLY!! why they had all the kiddy crap.. they suspect nintendo is going to steal e3 this year. i bet nintendos show is gonna be awesome.
Sony is going to be lackluster because they really don't have anything new to offer (and the NGP is blah). I'm looking forward to Nintendo's presentation.
nintendo is probably going to introduce a cloud console.. streaming games on demand crap like onlive.
my goodness bf3 blew me away. as you see he was playing on the pc which is what ive been saying all along.. these screenies and videos are pc. which is the only way to play bf3 with hyper realism. FUCK YES.
I don't mind the PSN network going down. It got me back into TF2, and when it came back up I got Super Stardust for free. Wicked fun game!
After seeing what MS had.....I will be purchasing a 2nd 360 but with Kinect just so I can play Ghost Recon. It looked awesome with The Kinect and it looked awesome when Ubisoft just showed it off using the controllers.