It's nice to see something might de-throne the CoD franchise. I just started playing BC2 pretty late to the party and it's awesome. Gotta love firing a rocket launcher at a window and blowing the wall away. I also love that they ditched going prone to avoid the cheese that comes with it. I didn't play a lot of BF2, mostly because I sucked at it, but I have fond memories of it early on before the players all got 10x better than me.
Yes BF3 will be on PS3, but the footage you are watching is from the PC. The PS3/360 version won't look as great as it does on the PC. Otherwise, I am so stoked, and will be getting it on the PC. BF only really works on the PC anyways.
^^thats if they make it dx10 or dx11, here lately alot of games have been released on pc in dx9 format to make the consoles happy.
Try rubbing it with increasing speed and/or pressure -- whatever feels right to you -- until you feel a release. Don't be startled if some gooey white stuff comes out. Wipe it on a towel or some ho's face. But if there's a ho up in there, have her perform the actions above. With her mouth. BAM!
Very excited for this to come out but I feel like the new trailer that they just released told us nothing new...
i feel like theyre telling us too much. by the time the game comes out, we'll have played through it having not even touched the game.
New "night" trailer.... My Levi's are losing the fight... [video=youtube;u5eLbPQt_Pk]![/video]
It doesn't help much that, after all the Battlefield trailers, the CoD MW3 trailer we get is... this... [video=youtube;jMF4i1hhQKk][/video] I mean, this is just EMBARRASSING! It looks like something from years ago! The trailer I liked most for BF3 was the thunder-run trailer, by far. The only drawback I see is that you are going to need to deal with yet another online service (Origin) to play it.
HO-RYYY SHIT. that bf3 trailer.... dude getting shanked in the neck screaming really got me. i hope my 560ti can play it maxed out 1080p 60fps download, WOH.