Don't use petitions to report bots. Simply click them out botting, and type /AutoReportHunting in your chat and hit enter. Now click Yes in the window the pops up. He's now reported for botting.
So is everyone here renewing their 2nd month? I decided to cancel. It's already starting to feel like a chore. The grinding really picks up after 20+. I don't have the time to be Korean and sit at my computer for hours on end anymore. Chat/Hunting bots have ruined a lot of the fun too. It's a good game but a bit too hardcore for me. I might continue in the future if certain aspects improve.
I am glad I didn't cave into the newness of it and saved myself the time, money, and heartache of another game down the drain. Sorry guys.
What are you basing this on? Bear not having a good time? The game is great and tons and tons of people play it. I had my first real taste of PvP last night and I like this game even more than I did a month ago.
I never said the game was bad. I'm just not digging it anymore. Partying is fun but solo is lacking. I can nitpick forever...oh well
Except when they KS you and are killing all the quest mobs you need. Oh and the whole fucking up the economy with their farming bit. This game easily has the most bots of any MMO I've ever played. I'm gonna stay on another month to get more PVP in. Hopefully NC does something about the bots and gold spammers but I'm not holding my breath.
I cancelled too. I liked playing in a party with friends, but nothing about the story was interesting to me. After a while I wasn't even reading my quests, I just took everything I could get and used the markers.
Wasn't basing it just off of Bear, or anyone specific here, just the general consensus. No one had a chance to play end game during the betas, and still a lot of people aren't there yet so I haven't read too much about that, but what some of you guys are experiencing is what is being echoed elsewhere. I was just saying I am glad I didn't spend the money to buy it, and the massive time sink involved to play it, only to feel like I wasted it. Based on other peoples experiences and my own playing the beta, I dodged a bullet, since I tend to get absorbed into MMOs easily, I dodged this one that I wouldn't have liked at the end.
I'm on Vaizel and in some areas no matter what channel you go to there are bots killing in the area I want to kill in . They are almost always higher level so if I'm soloing as certain classes they outdamage me and steal the kill. It doesn't happen all the time but often enough so that it can be frustrating. Also, some areas only have one instance. Like I said I've never ever seen bots/spamming as rampant as this game and I've played almost every major MMO at launch since UO. The gold spam did go down a bunch last week but on my server it was pretty much back to the normal amount after a day. Since Bots are tolerated in this game my fear is that the only way to stay competitive at higher levels is to buy gold myself or make a bot alt that farms for me. Bots ruined L2 and since NCSoft still doesn't care I see this game going down the same road unfortunately.
using the /AutoReportHunting does more than just report bots to NCSoft. Every time somebody is reported using it, they get a point attached to their account. These points wear off over time. If you get a certain number of points against you, your XP/Loot lowers, get more it's cut by 50%, and get even more and you stop getting loot/XP. Hit the bots where it hurts, in the Loot/XP department. Every time you see one, report them. Eventually they'll stop getting anything from grinding, aside from wasting pots. Link to the description of how it works, scroll down until you see the QUOTE blocks. Aion? Online :: General Discussion - The autohunting Restriction system is not understood or used
There's a few problems with the autoreport gimping farmers though. 1. We don't know how many reports it takes to actually penalize someone 2. We don't know how long the temporary punishment stays with someone 3. Botters don't give a fuck they will just make an alt to bot. Ah well game is still fun enough for now. Game seems a lot emptier the last few days though. I had to wait almost an hour last night for a BC group and we were the only ones I saw running through there.
There's how many of us players online at any time? And there's how many GM's on at a time? Having us help them find botters and hurting real money traders (RMT) by cutting off their supply of money is a great idea. No it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing.
From the Aion news section of Aion™ Online: The Official Aion Fantasy MMORPG Website Monthly updates will be given, today is the first of those updates.
The gold spamming has dropped to zero since the last patch. Me and my BIG MOUTH!!! I login and gold spam ftl but at least it was only one instead of the 500 like before.
I have a collectors edition account I don't want anymore with a 21 Spiritmaster. I won't be playing anymore.
I have ascended all the classes. My Templar is botting at home should be 16 by now, my Sorcerer is 15, assassin is 12 or 13. Haven't decided what I want to max out first. Considering all the botting, I figure light botting here and there won't hurt.